By Erik Manning While reading the gospels, you’ll notice similarities between the characters portrayed across the different stories. Parallels between the gospels concerning character depictions are...
How We Got Our Bible: Old Testament Canon and Apocrypha
By Ryan Leasure This is part three of a nine-part series on how we got our Bible. Part one addressed the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture. Part two explained the formation and preservation of...
3 Reasons Why Jesus Is The Only Way
By Tim Stratton Sermon Outline Riddle me this: What’s black and white and RED all over? I remember the first time my dad posed that question to me when I was a young child. Even as a little boy –...
The Resurrection Is A Historical Fact
By Bob Perry Jesus of Nazareth died on a Roman cross, then resurrected from the dead three days later. It’s not just a fairy tale. Christians believe that the Resurrection is a historical fact. It’s...
Learn To Make a Maximal Case For The Resurrection
By Erik Manning I used to love sharing the minimal facts with unbelievers. It’s easy to present in a few minutes and sounds rhetorically powerful. When I tell my friends that the facts I’m sharing...
How We Got Our Bible
By Ryan Leasure This article is the first in a series of nine blog posts that will unpack the story of how we got our Bible. That is to say, the Bible didn’t just fall from heaven into our laps....
Extrabiblical Evidence for the Veracity of the Gospel History
In a previous article, I reviewed several arguments that are typically raised in support of the historicity of Jesus but, upon closer inspection, turn out to be of extremely limited evidential...
What did Jesus think about the Old Testament?
By Ryan Leasure It’s not uncommon for Christians to throw shade on the Old Testament. These Christians say they love Jesus, but they could do without those primitive Jewish texts. In fact, many...
The Gospels Are Embarrassing for The Apostles
By Erik Manning If you want people to trust their leaders, you usually would try to paint them in the best light possible. You don’t go out of your way to undermine their authority. But that isn’t...
Did John Really Write John?
By Ryan Leasure The Gospel according to John has received more scrutiny than the other Gospels put together. Case in point, dating back to the 1920s, critical scholars have argued that the apostle...
Why Don’t the Synoptic Gospels Mention Lazarus?
By Ryan Leasure Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead is one of the most well-known stories in the Gospels. Yet, for some reason, Matthew, Mark, and Luke don’t mention it. This head-scratching absence...
Simon of Cyrene, Cleopas, and the Eyewitness Testimony of the Gospels
By Ryan Leasure Modern critics doubt that eyewitnesses stand behind the four Gospels. In fact, they argue that the first followers of Jesus told others about Jesus who told others about Jesus who...
Is the Bible Our Highest Authority?
By David Pallmann Many Christians believe that it is wrong to offer unbelievers evidence for the truth of Christianity.[1] They argue that the traditional method of apologetics dishonors Scripture...
6 Reasons Why Peter Is The Source Of Mark’s Gospel
By Erik Manning Many of the early church fathers say that Mark’s Gospel is based on Peter’s preaching. If that’s the case, it’s understandable why an apostle like Matthew or someone like Luke would...
By Wintery Knight So, everyone from left to right accepts the early creed in 1 Corinthians 15:3-7 being dated to 1-3 years after the death of Jesus, even atheists like Crossley, Ludemann, and...
Matthew: Jesus’ Genealogy and Biblical Inerrancy
By John A. Limanto The first genealogy within the Gospel of Matthew is an important cornerstone of the Gospel. This genealogy—a relic of the pre-Jewish-Roman War—contains, at the very heart of it, a...
When Was the New Testament Considered Scripture? 5 Facts That Point to an Early Canon
By Alisa Childers One of the most common misconceptions about the New Testament canon (the list of books the church recognizes as authoritative) is that early Christians didn't have any Scripture...
Did Jesus Exist? A Critical Appraisal of Richard Carrier’s Interpretation of the Pauline Corpus
By Jonathan McLatchie Richard Carrier is an ancient historian who has risen to prominence as the lead advocate of Jesus Mythicism, a school of thought that entertains the idea that Jesus of Nazareth...
Does Archaeological Evidence Confirm Names, Dates, And Places In The Bible?
By Wintery Knight I spotted this post on Be Thinking by UK apologist Peter S. Williams. (H/T Eric Chabot at Think Apologetics) So let me pick the ones I liked most for this post....