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Pronoun Mania

Pronoun Mania

If you haven’t had a chance to freshen up on the latest gender pronoun trend, be sure to do so by visiting a Starbucks near you. There you’ll be warmly greeted by your barista, who might be your ...
Why People Love a False Jesus

Why People Love a False Jesus

By Melissa Dougherty You know something I never see? I never see the average person say that Buddha was made up from stories of ancient pagan gods. Or that Gandhi was actually a Jewish mystic ...
Has God Warmed Up to Religious Pluralism?

Has God Warmed Up to Religious Pluralism?

We live in an age of a prevailing belief known as “Religious Pluralism”, which says no one religion (especially Christianity) holds the exclusive title to “absolute truth.” Religious pluralism ...
The Pulpit Apologist, Pt. 2

The Pulpit Apologist, Pt. 2

In my previous blog, I briefly unpacked five ways apologetic preaching can help the church navigate these challenging times, while also sharing four of eight points of what it looks like to ...
What Does it Mean to be “Legalistic?”

What Does it Mean to be “Legalistic?”

Legalism. What do you think of when you hear this word? Some people might think of someone who is a stick in the mud. Maybe even someone who relies on the Bible too much instead of following ...
Are Today’s Christians Confused About the Gospel?

Are Today’s Christians Confused About the Gospel?

A few weeks ago, I created a post that said, “I love apologetics but apologetics is not the gospel.” It wasn’t controversial at all. Just kidding. Come on! We’re talking about social media; the ...
The Pulpit Apologist, Pt. 1

The Pulpit Apologist, Pt. 1

If apologetics has ever met its moment in our culture that moment is now. And it’s especially urgent for some good old-fashioned pulpit apologetics. We need preachers to rise to the occasion and ...
Escaping Twin Flames – A Netflix Docuseries

Escaping Twin Flames – A Netflix Docuseries

While searching for some light entertainment one Saturday evening, I stumbled upon the exact opposite by way of a new 3-part docuseries on Netflix titled ‘Escaping Twin Flames’. With only a ...
Making Sense of Christmas

Making Sense of Christmas

The Christmas season has a way of quickening the senses, doesn’t it? The taste of a kiss under a mistletoe tree, the flavor of nursing steamed Ghirardelli hot chocolate, or the sheer ecstasy of ...
Is Christmas Pagan?

Is Christmas Pagan?

Tree decorating. Repetitive Christmas music on the radio. Sleigh bells ringing. Chestnuts burning. (Like, what does this even mean? Do people actually do this?) And the incessant cyber ...
Is Your Church A Personality Cult, Part 2

Is Your Church A Personality Cult, Part 2

In part one, we looked at how “cult” can refer to a group’s heretical theology (“theological cult”) or to its dangerous practices (“sociological cult). A personality cult is the second type, ...
What Babylon Teaches The Church About Discipleship

What Babylon Teaches The Church About Discipleship

When you hear the word “disciple” does your mind go back to the first century where a group of twelve men followed Jesus and helped him pass out baskets full of loaves and fish? The word ...
Soon vs Suddenly: An Important Distinction on Jesus’ Return

Soon vs Suddenly: An Important Distinction on Jesus’ Return

The word “soon” can be quite ambiguous, if not misleading. When asked about homework, a teenager might reply that they expect to finish sometime soon. In my family, that word could equal 30 ...
Only God is Above the Law

Only God is Above the Law

“No one is above the law.” So the popular saying goes, and no truer thing was ever said in a mere six words. This thought, and our Western system of justice which sprang from it, stands as a ...
Is it Biblical to Be a Gay Christian?

Is it Biblical to Be a Gay Christian?

Imagine a porcupine. He’s waddling around with his long pointy quills. He’s harmless, even cute until he gets scared or offended. Then he becomes an angry pincushion. Now image this porcupine is ...
Is Your Church a Personality Cult? Part 1

Is Your Church a Personality Cult? Part 1

  Sometimes cults are easy to spot. Most everyone knows about the Jim Jones cult (People’s Temple), or David Koresh’s group in Waco, Texas (Branch Davidians). Those cults are easy to spot ...
Why Did God Put That Tree in the Garden of Eden?

Why Did God Put That Tree in the Garden of Eden?

God created humans in a state of sinless perfection, but all of that changed when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. “The Lord God took the man ...
The Surprising Way Tinkerbell Shows the Flaw in the Transgender Identity Crisis

The Surprising Way Tinkerbell Shows the Flaw in the Transgender Identity Crisis

  I know what you might be thinking. “Tinkerbell, Melissa? Seriously?” But stay with me here. The pre-woke movie era had some good stuff in it that’s surprisingly relevant and counter-cultural ...
Where Rebellion Against God Leads

Where Rebellion Against God Leads

Imagine a time in the not-too-distant future. Trying to compensate for a declining population, scientists use advanced technology to build a “race” of robots, giving them not only human ...
The Danger of Promising Universal Salvation

The Danger of Promising Universal Salvation

If you’re going to contend that universalism is true, i.e., the belief that everyone will eventually end up in heaven, then you best beware of the consequences of doing so. Evacuating a ...

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