What is Truth? A Description of the Nature of Truth in the Gospel of John
By Brian Chilton
“What is truth?’ said Pilate” (John 18:38). This classic question was asked by Pilate to Jesus during Jesus’s trial. This question does not resonate with Pilate only. In ...

4 Critical Tips for New Apologists
By Timothy Fox
I’m no professional apologist by any means, but I’ve been around the scene long enough to have witnessed plenty of apologetics presentations. I’ve also seen many of the same ...

Forgery in the Bible: Were 1 and 2 Timothy really forged? Part II
By Erik Manning
In his letter to the Romans, we learn that Paul was accused of lying in order to bring more glory to God. Some slanderously claimed that Paul would say, "let us do evil that good ...

Materialism Cannot Explain the Origin of Life on Earth
By Bob Perry
As I’ve discussed elsewhere, Darwinian Evolution tells a great story. But that story is wholly disconnected from the actual evidence of life on Earth. That’s especially true when ...

The two kinds of skeptics and how to deal with both
By Erik Manning
We can gain knowledge about the subject of Christian apologetics until our eyes bug out of our heads. But knowing how to apply that information in our everyday lives is another ...

Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses
By J. Brian Huffling
“There are some Jehovah’s Witnesses in the neighborhood if you want to talk them,” my wife said. I was excited. I have had numerous and long-standing discussions with ...

Tacitus — Ancient Roman Historian — Reports on Jesus
By Ryan Leasure
Most of what happened in the ancient world went unrecorded. Think about it. People from bygone eras didn’t have technology like YouTube, TV, or the internet — much less the ...

Apologetics as Conversation
By Mikel Del Rosario
Hey, Can We Talk?
Seeing apologetics as a conversational ministry
There’s an Indian proverb that says, “You don’t cut off a man’s nose and give him a rose to smell.” I ...

Do Humans Have Intrinsic Value?
By Luke Nix
Whether humans possess intrinsic value or instrumental value is a debate that often runs parallel to discussions about the true worldview. This debate also often ...

Peripheral Visions: Even Science Needs More Than Science to Work Properly
By Terrell Clemmons
Jon Headley has a confession to make. "I'm a 30-year-old man, but until a few years ago, I had no real understanding of the theory of evolution."
"Ah," the ex-Christian ...

Correcting four myths about the history of the Crusades
By Wintery Knight
Here is an interesting article from the Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
The verdict seems unanimous. From presidential speeches to role-playing games, the ...

Forgery in the Bible: Were 1 and 2 Timothy really forged?
By Erik Manning
2 Timothy 3:16 says that all Scripture is “God-breathed.” Of course for Christians, this would include 2 Timothy, as well as the rest of the pastoral epistles. Skeptics find this ...

4 Ways Parents Bore Their Kids Out of Christianity
By Natasha Crain
The highlight of my summer was a family RV vacation to Kings Canyon National Park. Behind our campground flowed a gorgeous river that I returned to multiple times over the ...

12 Reasons to Trust The New Testament
By Bob Perry
If you claim to believe the Bible, you better be able to trust that what it says is true. Trusting the Bible means knowing two things. First, that the original authors recorded ...

Jesus’s Understanding of Human Nature in Luke 17
By Brian Chilton
Some have claimed that Jesus was not a theologian. Granted, he did not sit down and write out a systematic theology book. However, the teachings of Jesus denote a deep theology ...

5 Steps Every Christian Should Take When Talking with Skeptics about Miracles
By Jeremy Linn
When talking with skeptics about the resurrection of Jesus, it seems obvious to go straight to the historical evidence for the resurrection. But for many skeptics, there is an ...

There Is No Rise Unless He Is Risen
By Alex McElroy
If you are creating a building, the structure is important, but the foundation is most important. If a rock goes through the window, it can be replaced. If there is a leak in ...

Why the Gospel of Thomas isn’t in the Bible
By Ryan Leasure
There’s a common refrain among liberal scholars that says the church suppressed dozens of Gospels. The reason they say? It’s because those books share scandalous information ...

Respectfully Engaging with Hindus
By Mikel Del Rosario
Let’s talk about respectfully engaging with Hindus. Why? More than a billion people around the world say they’re Hindus. That’s about 15 percent of the world. So if you ...

Is It Biblical to Have an Evidential Faith?
By Luke Nix
Is biblical faith blind or reasonable? This is one of the most hotly debated questions between believers and unbelievers. While most who say that faith is blind are ...