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Does Archaeological Evidence Confirm Names, Dates, And Places In The Bible?

Does Archaeological Evidence Confirm Names, Dates, And Places In The Bible?

By Wintery Knight I spotted this post on Be Thinking by UK apologist Peter S. Williams. (H/T Eric Chabot at Think Apologetics) So let me pick the ones I liked most for this ...
Are The Accounts Of Jesus’s Ascension Contradictory?

Are The Accounts Of Jesus’s Ascension Contradictory?

By Erik Manning Bart Ehrman says that the author of Luke can’t seem to get the story of the Ascension of Jesus right. In his Gospel, Luke says that Jesus ascended into heaven the day ...
Evidence in the Flesh for Apologetics

Evidence in the Flesh for Apologetics

By Dawn Simon I was raised in a family and a community where religious beliefs were considered personal and virtually never discussed. I attended a Catholic grade school and continued ...
What Does Thermodynamics Have To Do With The Origin Of The Universe?

What Does Thermodynamics Have To Do With The Origin Of The Universe?

By Bob Perry Big Bang cosmology isn’t the only scientific evidence that the universe had a beginning. There are parallel laws of nature that point us to the same conclusion. We get one of ...
The Make-Believe VeggieTales Video about Abortion

The Make-Believe VeggieTales Video about Abortion

VeggieTales creator, Phil Vischer, has done some wonderful videos over the years. See what you think about this new 14-minute video he just put out on abortion.  Now, before we ...
The Importance of Critical Thinking

The Importance of Critical Thinking

By Kathryn, V. As a Christian apologist, it is easy to take for granted the understanding that when we impart information to others, they clearly comprehend what we are talking ...
Hard Evidence the Book of Acts Was Written by an Eyewitness? A Reply to Bart Ehrman

Hard Evidence the Book of Acts Was Written by an Eyewitness? A Reply to Bart Ehrman

By Jonathan Mclatchie Last week, New Testament scholar Dr. Bart Ehrman published an article at his blog, in which he responded to a reader who had asked him his opinion on a popular ...
The Slaughter of the Bethlehem Boys

The Slaughter of the Bethlehem Boys

By Ryan Leasure Moral atrocities litter the historical landscape. And this ought to make us sad. People do bad things. And they’ve been doing bad things ever since Genesis 3. It doesn’t ...
Challenges to neo-Darwinian theories of development

Challenges to neo-Darwinian theories of development

By Julie Hannah In Article 1, “The arising of our universe: design or chance?” I discussed evidence for the design behind our finely-tuned universe, which has convinced some mainstream ...
Facing an Unknown Future with a Known God

Facing an Unknown Future with a Known God

By Brian Chilton This past Sunday, my family and I stopped by a local antique store after church. We were there for no reason but to check out their merchandise to see, as my ...
Can living cells arise randomly from non-living chemicals?

Can living cells arise randomly from non-living chemicals?

By Julie Hannah In Article 1, “The arising of our universe: design or chance?” I discussed evidence for the design behind our finely-tuned universe, which has convinced some mainstream ...
How We Can Know Who Created the Universe

How We Can Know Who Created the Universe

By Al Serrato It is difficult to overstate the importance of the discovery of the Big Bang. After all, even without sophisticated philosophical arguments, most people intuitively ...
Baby Elephant In China Cries For 5 Hours After Being Stomped By His Mom

Baby Elephant In China Cries For 5 Hours After Being Stomped By His Mom

By Wintery Knight From the New York Daily News. (Printable version linked) Excerpt: Little Zhuangzhuang, a newborn elephant at a wildlife refuge in China, was ...
Was Luke Wrong about the Census?

Was Luke Wrong about the Census?

By Ryan Leasure One of the more challenging texts in the Gospels is Luke’s reference to the census. We read in Luke 2:1-5: In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that ...
The arising of our Universe: Design or Chance?

The arising of our Universe: Design or Chance?

By Julie Hannah How likely is it that our universe is the result of random physical operations? Scientists point out that shaping the universe into its present form required a very ...
How to Explain to Your Kids Why Social Justice Warriors Hate Christians So Much

How to Explain to Your Kids Why Social Justice Warriors Hate Christians So Much

By Natasha Crain  Black Lives Matter activists cornered a woman at a restaurant in Washington D.C. this week because she wouldn’t raise her fist in solidarity with their chants ...
What If God Is Removed From The American Equation?

What If God Is Removed From The American Equation?

By Luke Nix Warnings To A Godless Society Earlier this year, I highlighted the warnings of rejecting God, coming from the mouth of an atheist. Richard Dawkins saw the moral ...
Do the Genealogies of Jesus Contradict?

Do the Genealogies of Jesus Contradict?

By Ry Leasure If you’ve read through the gospels, you’ve probably noticed that they share much in common. In some places, the wording is exactly the same. In other places, they’re so ...
Who Cares About Philosophy?

Who Cares About Philosophy?

By Brian Huffling What do these questions have in common: Does God exist? Can God change? Does God know our future? How can a good God allow evil? How do humans know? What does it mean to know? ...
Is Bart Ehrman Right When He Says That Acts Contradicts Paul’s Letters?

Is Bart Ehrman Right When He Says That Acts Contradicts Paul’s Letters?

By Erik Manning Agnostic New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman says, “the book of Acts in the New Testament contains historically unreliable information about the life and teachings of Paul.” In ...

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