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Key Tenets of Marxism VS America’s Philosophical Foundations

Key Tenets of Marxism VS America’s Philosophical Foundations

I’ve been fascinated by Marxism since my parents first told me about the Cold War we were living in when I was almost 10-years-old (1983). I remember asking them why the Soviet Union had nuclear ...
The Early Martyrs Were Cross Examined to Death

The Early Martyrs Were Cross Examined to Death

Skeptics often challenge believers by claiming that the "evidence" for Christianity would never hold up in a courtroom. It’s hearsay, they contend, and since these witnesses can’t be ...
What If I Don’t Like Either Candidate?

What If I Don’t Like Either Candidate?

If you’re like me, this upcoming election feels like a choice between which electric outlet to jab a fork into. I’m not a big fan of either candidate. It may be tempting to just sit-out this ...
The Scandal of Elite Evangelical Compromise

The Scandal of Elite Evangelical Compromise

A blogger I read regularly alerted me to Megan Basham’s new book Shepherds for Sale, subtitled How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda. It was released [at the] end of ...
Becoming Skeptical of Modern Skepticism

Becoming Skeptical of Modern Skepticism

Some skepticism is warranted. None of us want to live within a paradigm of naivety. No one wants to blindly accept every foolish notion that comes down the pipeline. A quick glance at social ...
Voting as a Kingdom Ambassador

Voting as a Kingdom Ambassador

During the presidential elections there are many voices “crying out in the wilderness,” as it were, proclaiming all sorts of weird ideas. One of those ideas is the thought that within this ...
The Ethics of AI in Writing

The Ethics of AI in Writing

When it comes to Artificial Intelligence, I’m a luddite. I’m analog over digital. Forget Pandora® and Spotify® or even CD’s. Vinyl LP’s rule them all. I grew up playing outside, climbing trees, ...
In the Gospels, Jesus is Pro-Life

In the Gospels, Jesus is Pro-Life

When you encounter Jesus in the gospels, it’s not hard to see why the world would be a better place if everyone was more like him. And in the gospels, Jesus is pro-life. In fact, life is the ...
The Probability of a Past Event is One

The Probability of a Past Event is One

In recent posts (here and here), I considered some of the difficulties inherent in defining what constitutes a miracle or recognizing an event as miraculous. The skeptic usually approaches the ...
5 Important Reasons Christians Should Study Apologetics

5 Important Reasons Christians Should Study Apologetics

All Christians should study apologetics. Christians should study apologetics may sound like a bold claim if you’ve barely even heard of apologetics, but I promise you apologetics has been the ...
Dealing with Hurt and Trusting God: Biblical Tips for Overcoming Pain

Dealing with Hurt and Trusting God: Biblical Tips for Overcoming Pain

Life presents numerous trials and challenges, many of which result not from our own actions but from the behavior and transgressions of others. Betrayal, injustice, or rejection can inflict ...
How To Help Muslims Think Deeply and Differently About the Deity of Christ

How To Help Muslims Think Deeply and Differently About the Deity of Christ

I was in a Global Studies conference a few months ago when a retired minister asked me an interesting question. He told me, “I like to take Christian young men to the local mosques so they can ...
The New Cultural Christianity

The New Cultural Christianity

A few months ago I wrote an article on the West’s move towards a post-Christian culture (Post-Christianity: What’s That?). Since the article’s publication at least two prominent atheists decried ...
Character Matters

Character Matters

Character and morality often intersect in their definitions. Even for the non-Christians, all people are given a moral compass from the time of our birth. As image bearers of God, a person is ...
Are Proponents of ID Religiously Motivated, and Does It Matter?

Are Proponents of ID Religiously Motivated, and Does It Matter?

Recently, someone asked me to comment on an article, published in 2017, by John Danaher, a lecturer in the Law School at the University of Galway, Ireland. He is widely published on legal and ...
Is Social Justice Hijacking the Gospel?

Is Social Justice Hijacking the Gospel?

Progressive Christian blogger and author John Pavlovitz wrote,  "We believe that social justice is the heart of the Gospel..." Is he right? And what exactly is social justice? I recently ...
Promise of Genuine Immortality: AI or the Divine

Promise of Genuine Immortality: AI or the Divine

Do we have a genuine promise of immortality? This is a question that impacts all of us. When I was growing up as a kid, I wanted to be taken seriously. Therefore, I could not wait to grow up to ...
“The Anxious Generation”: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness

“The Anxious Generation”: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness

“The more I make my life, my well-being, my enlightenment, and my success primary, the farther I step from reality. Thus the hell-bound do not travel downward; they travel inward, cocooning ...
Apologetics and Politics

Apologetics and Politics

How should we live?How should we think?How should we vote? Are these questions with objectively right or wrong answers? That is to say, is it true — apart from human opinion — that humanity ...
How to Talk with Your Teens about Sex and Love from a Biblical Worldview: Interview with Sean McDowell

How to Talk with Your Teens about Sex and Love from a Biblical Worldview: Interview with Sean McDowell

Over the last several years, I’ve spoken on the subject of apologetics to many groups of parents at churches and conferences. Although none of my talks deal with the topic of sexuality, I can ...

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