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A Wolf in the Sheep Pen

By Bob Perry The church service at our suburban Cincinnati non-denominational church had barely ended when I started receiving text messages from friends. All of them shared some version of the same question my wife and I were asking each other about the sermon we had...

An Atheist’s Call To Make Our Case

By Bob Perry St. Francis of Assisi may have died 800 years ago, but his influence still looms. He was a man who venerated nature and lived a life of great sacrifice in service to God and his church. But within the Christian ecosystem, he has become most famous for an...

A Way To Simplify The Big Picture

By Bob Perry Being able to make the case for the truth of Christianity means you have to understand it yourself. There are plenty of resources out there that can help you do that. I always try to share the best ones I know about. But right now, I want to offer you a...

Was God’s Original Creation Perfect?

by Bob Perry There is, and probably always will be, a debate going on between sincere Christians about the age of the Universe. I think I’ve made my position on that issue very clear. But at the core of the disagreement between the so-called “Old Earth” (OE) and...

Why Am I A “Sinner” And Why Do I Need To Be Forgiven?

By Bob Perry Here’s a question I got recently: “It has always bothered me that I am a sinful human. None of my good efforts, leading a good life can deter sin. I was born with sin and I have to be forgiven? I don’t get that. Why am I a ‘sinner’ and why do I need to be...

A Myth Come True

By Bob Perry If you’re anything like me, you probably associate the word “myth” with an ancient fairy tale. The Greek and Roman pantheon of gods comes to mind — magical spells, curses, and multi-headed monsters. But myths are more than just old-fashioned fantasies....

La clave para reducir el estrés en la toma de decisiones

Por Bob Perry «¿Cuál es la voluntad de Dios para mí vida?» Es común escuchar esta pregunta al venir de alguien que está reflexionando sobre una difícil decisión en la vida. Tomar decisiones grandes puede ser confuso, pero utilizar «la voluntad de Dios» como el punto...

Una celebridad cristiana versus un psicópata

Por Bob Perry Si estuvieras buscando seguir un apologista cristiano que fuese de tu total confianza, ¿elegirías a alguien que se encuentra en la categoría de celebridad mundial, debido a su incomparable habilidad para articular el evangelio?, ¿o te inclinarías por un...

The Key To Less Stressful Decision Making

By Bob Perry “What is God’s will for my life?” This is a common question to hear from someone who is pondering a difficult life decision. Making big decisions can be confusing. But using “God’s will” as the benchmark for success adds a whole new element of agony to it...

Can Jesus’ Story Still Surprise You?

By Bob Perry History shows that prudence and wisdom are rarely on the side of new ways of looking at Scripture. This is especially true of the “progressive” bent toward remaking Jesus in a postmodern image. So, when I first heard about Tom Gilson’s new book, Too Good...

The Christian Celebrity And The Psychopath

By Bob Perry If you were looking for a completely trustworthy Christian apologist to follow, would you pick someone who had risen to the status of global celebrity because of his unparalleled ability to articulate the Gospel? Or would you gravitate toward someone who...

Killing Homicide: On Missing Fathers & Redemption In Prison

By Bob Perry The senses recoil when you walk into a high-security prison. A pungent mix of mildew, old food, and rancid mop water buries itself in your nostrils. Drab cinderblock walls and cracked linoleum floors stretch to infinity, screaming of dehumanization. But...

Four Ways We Can Revolt Against Big Tech

By Bob Perry Big Tech is hostile to the Judeo-Christian worldview. As such, it is a threat to the free exchange of ideas, religious liberty, and our ability to practice and talk about our faith publicly. For those reasons, I’ve made the case...

Defrocking The Priests Of Scientism

By Bob Perry The way large church authorities deal with heretics hasn’t changed much over the centuries. They demand adherence to dogma. They threaten or silence those who defy the hierarchy. Finally, they excommunicate those who refuse to submit to their demands. The...

The Power Of Pro-Life Images

By Bob Perry Forty-six years ago today, the landmark court case we now know as Roe-v-Wade legalized abortion in America. Some think the case is “settled law.” But those of us, who value every human life, don’t see it that way. Roe-v-Wade no more settles the moral...

An Accurate Picture Of The World

By Bob Perry Jesus is the Logos. The Logos is a combination of truth, goodness, and beauty. Truth, goodness, and beauty are the references that give us a grounded Christian spirituality. That’s the True Horizon model — spirituality based on an accurate picture of the...

Have You Thought About Marriage Lately?

By Bob Perry Have you spent much time thinking about marriage lately? You should. It doesn’t matter if a wedding is something in your future or in your past. It doesn’t even matter if you have no intention of ever getting married. The fact is that the institution of...

The Importance Of A Balanced Faith

By Bob Perry It is very easy to get engrossed in all the arguments for God. People like me love to demonstrate the scientific and philosophical evidence for God. And there are good reasons for us to expose the ethical vacuum we create when we remove God from the...

There’s More Than One Way To “Trust The Science”

I have made the case before that scientism is a dangerous belief system. And the COVID-19 Pandemic has done nothing but prove the point. In their response to the virus, many in power exhort us to “trust the science.” Listen to the doctors. Their wisdom...

The World On The Other Side of This Pandemic

By Bob Perry The world is an unpredictable place. But we pretend it isn’t. We like to envision our future and plan our steps, pretending we know how we’ll get there. But the stories we write for ourselves rest on assumptions about how the world works and our place in...

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