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The Genuine Saint Nicholas

By Brian Chilton It may surprise you to discover that there really is a Santa Claus! The Santa Claus figure was taken from a genuine person of history. His name was Saint Nicholas of Myra. Earlier on, I posted an article on this issue. However, I...

You Might Be a Deist

By Brian Chilton Atlanta native Jeff Foxworthy made a name for himself as a stand-up comedian doing a routine called “You might be a redneck.” Some of these classic one-liners include, “If you have a set of salad bowls and they all say Cool Whip on the side, you might...

Jesus’s Understanding of Human Nature in Luke 17

By Brian Chilton Some have claimed that Jesus was not a theologian. Granted, he did not sit down and write out a systematic theology book. However, the teachings of Jesus denote a deep theology that resonated with his understanding of God, Jesus’s own identity, God’s...

Siete aspectos de la vida de Jesús que son históricamente ciertos

Por Brian Chilton Cuando llegué a tener dificultades con mi fe, no las tuve en el área de la ciencia. He creído que la ciencia y la fe pueden coexistir, y aún lo creo. El Dios que dio la revelación especial de la Biblia, es también el mismo Dios que creó los cielos y...

The Education of Jesus of Nazareth

By Brian Chilton Often, critical scholars make Jesus of Nazareth out to be a country bumpkin, one who was uneducated and unsophisticated. However, when one evaluates his life and teaching style, it appears that Jesus of Nazareth was a well-polished individual who...

Messianic Prophecy and the Resurrection

By Brian Chilton My class and I recently completed a wonderful Ph.D. seminar entitled Issues on Messianic Prophecy with Dr. Randall Price and Dr. Ed Hindson at Liberty University. Unfortunately, messianic prophecy has received less attention than in times past. Even...

Why was the Head Cloth of Jesus Wrapped to the Side?

By Brian Chilton A friend asked me about a supposed Jewish tradition concerning the head wrapping of Jesus in the tomb. The Gospel of John notes that Peter and John (if the beloved disciple is the writer of the Fourth Gospel which this writer accepts) run to the tomb...

Seven Aspects of Jesus’s Life that are Historically Certain

By Brian Chilton When I had struggled with my faith, it was not in the area of science. I believed that science and faith can coexist, and I still do. The God who gave the special revelation of the Bible is also the same God who created the heavens and the earth from...

Abortion and the Theology of a Purposeless Life

By Brian Chilton While I am intentionally not one of the political voices of the day, I do find that many times politics crosses over into theology and vice versa. One of the more troubling news I have read is that states like New York and Virginia have either passed...

Is Isaiah 7:14 a Messianic Prophecy?

By Brian Chilton More and more scholars are becoming skeptical of Messianic prophecy in the Hebrew Bible—that is, the Old Testament. Michael Rydelniknotes that “Although evangelical scholarship still recognizes that there is something messianic about the Hebrew Bible,...

The BGV Theorem: An Unexpected Asset for Christian Theism

By Brian Chilton Turn on the Discovery Channel or the Science Channel, and you may find interesting theories pertaining to how the universe came to be. Some propose that an eternal multiverse gave rise to our modern universe. Others will hold that eternal wiggling...

Do We Have Reasons to Believe in God’s Existence?

By Brian Chilton Recently, news agencies filled the airwaves and the internet with the news of Stephen Hawking’s last book to be published and released posthumously. The book released on October 16, 2018, is entitled Brief Answers to the Big Questions. Hawking argues...

Emotional Doubt and How to Combat It

By Brian Chilton In a recent class at Liberty University, it was noted how 80% of a person’s doubts do not stem from intellectual problems with Christianity, but rather from emotional doubt. Emotional doubt is a problem for every person, but it seems to be a tougher...

Theologies that John Chapter One Combats

By Brian Chilton The Gospel of John has been one of my favorite Gospels since I first started studying the Bible. The Gospel of John is theologically rich as well as historically accurate. One of the important sections of John’s Gospel is found in its opening chapter....

Does Suicide Condemn Someone to Hell?

By Brian Chilton NOTE: We recently received a question related to this topic so we decided to reblog this entry. We believe this is an extremely important issue we need to deal with as a Christian community. Pastor Rick Warren and his family suffered a great loss as...

El verdadero amor debe ser recíproco

By Brian Chilton Recientemente estaba conversando con un amigo mío que estaba encaprichado con una persona que no necesariamente compartía los mismos sentimientos. De hecho, no era algo claro lo que la otra persona en realidad deseaba en la relación. No mencionaré más...

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