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Are There “Limits” to God’s Power?

Christians claim God is “all-powerful”. Does this mean He can accomplish anything? Skeptics often test this notion by offering the following challenge: “Can the all-powerful Christian God create a stone so heavy he cannot lift it?” The question highlights an apparent...

Why Is God So Hidden?

As a young atheist, I denied the existence of God for practical, experiential reasons. During my elementary school years, I found it difficult to understand why anyone would believe in God without visible evidence. I knew my parents, teachers and friends were real,...

5 Earth-Shattering Events Linked to the Bible

In the recent update to my father’s classic book Evidence that Demands a Verdict, we begin with a chapter on the uniqueness of the Bible. Unquestionably, in comparison to every book ever written, the Bible stands out as unique in a number of areas including...

Jesus on the Problem of Evil

By Aaron Brake In Luke 13:1-5 we have Jesus’ clearest teaching on the problem of evil:[1] Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. Jesus answered, “Do you think that these Galileans...

Who Wrote the Book of Jude?

By Brian Chilton Over the past few months, we have been examining the authors and background information for the books of the New Testament. For this article, we will examine a little book towards the end of the New Testament known as Jude. What do we know about this...

Does God Just Want Me to Be Happy?

Along with my regular blog here at, I am now featuring occasional guest posts from some students in the Biola M.A. in Christian Apologetics that I personally had the privilege of teaching. This post is from my friend Ryan Pauly, a high school teacher,...

¿Por qué Dios no sanó a Nabeel Qureshi?

¿Cómo un hombre que enfrenta su propia muerte prematura exuda una combinación edificante de gracia, amor y verdad? Mi amigo Nabeel Qureshi, quien ha hecho esto por más de un año, murió el sábado a los 34 años. En caso de que no lo sepas, Nabeel fue un ex musulmán...

Who Created God?

Richard Dawkins, the famous English evolutionary biologist and renowned atheist, revived an objection related to God’s existence in his book, The God Delusion. In the fourth chapter (Why There Almost Certainly Is No God), Dawkins wrote, “…the designer hypothesis...

5 Arguments for The Existence of Free Will

By Evan Minton Free Will is a topic debated among Christians and even some non-Christians. The Christians who affirm that men have free will in the libertarian sense are Arminians, Molinists, and Open Theists. Christians who deny free will in the libertarian sense...

Modern Thinkers Increasingly Confirm a Designed Universe

By Joel Furches The idea that the universe might bear some marks of design has traditionally been denied in academic circles. Evolutionary Biologist Richard Dawkins has famously stated that: “The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect...

Why Didn’t God Heal Nabeel Qureshi?

How does a man facing his own premature death exude an uplifting combination of grace, love and truth? My friend Nabeel Qureshi, who has done that for more than a year, died at age 34 on Saturday. In case you don’t know, Nabeel was a former devout Muslim who became a...

Remembering Nabeel Qureshi

By Brian Chilton The Christian community lost a wonderful man of God this past Saturday, September 16, 2017. Nabeel Qureshi entered his eternal home after a year-long battle with stomach cancer at the tender age of 34. While Nabeel has left us, he has left behind a...

Who Wrote the Letters of John?

By Brian Chilton The website has devoted substantial time in exploring the identity of the authors of the New Testament texts. This journey continues as we explore the three letters attributed to John. Who was the person named John behind these letters?...

New Podcast

1. Why Does God Allow Evil?: Compelling Answers for Life’s Toughest Questions w/ Clay Jones Frank interviews Dr. Clay Jones about his new book that examines what Scripture truly says about the nature of evil and why God allows it. 2. Why Does God Allow Evil?:...

God and the Transgender Debate: Book Review

The transgender debate is threatening to rip apart our culture. And it is raising a deep divide within the church. How should Christians respond? I recently picked up a copy of the new book by Andrew Walker entitled God and the Transgender Debate. It has significant...

Mathematical Apologetics: Discovering Divine Attributes in Math

By Brian Chilton On today’s podcast, Brian discusses how one discovers the mark of the divine in math. In the book Faith and Learning: A Handbook for Christian Higher Education, edited by David S. Dockery, Jeanette Russ, in her chapter “Christian Scholarship in Math,...

Who Wrote the Book of Hebrews?

By Brian Chilton Throughout the past several weeks, we have been exploring who the authors of the books of the New Testament were. Already we have seen that there are good reasons for supporting the traditional view that the apostles Matthew and John wrote the Gospels...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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