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Por qué el cristiano NO debe rechazar la filosofía (parte I)

Por Xavier González Varias veces me he topado con cristianos que dicen “La filosofía es mala”, “solamente necesitamos las escrituras y nada de filosofía”, “la filosofía es del diablo” y afirmaciones como esas, pero considero que estas ideas que intenta sostener, al...

Killing in the name of God?

If God told you to kill someone, what would you do?  Wouldn’t you seek a psychiatrist?  Why did Abraham almost go through with killing his son Isaac?  How did Abraham know God told him and not a demon?  How does the violence in the Old Testament differ from that in...

Could The Universe Be Eternal?

By Ryan Leasure One of my favorite arguments for God’s existence is the Kalam Cosmological Argument. While this argument has historical roots, contemporary Christian philosopher William Lane Craig has popularized it more recently. The argument goes like this:...

El Apologista

By Terrell Clemmons Jorge Gil: Next Gen Apologist to the World Jorge Gil was born in 1982 to a single mother in Costa Rica. When he was one year old, she left him in the care of his grandparents and moved to the United States, where she died ten years later. In the...

¿La fe cristiana es una fe ciega o irracional?

Los escépticos a veces retratan a los cristianos tanto "irrazonables" como "irracionales". La cultura cristiana sólo agrava el problema cuando se aboga por una definición de "fe" sin evidencia. ¿Es la verdadera fe ciega? ¿Cómo los verdaderos creyentes responden a la...

Does logic apply to God? And other questions

Can we put God in a box of our own logic?  Aren’t His ways higher than our ways?  Did God invent logic?  Did human beings invent it? Frank goes deep into those questions to the foundation of reality.  He also takes a fresh look at an often-misinterpreted passage in...

13 Good Historical Reasons For The Early Dating Of The Gospels

By Erik Manning Skeptics like Bart Ehrman will use Apollonius of Tyana as a challenge to Jesus’ uniqueness. Apollonius lived in the first century. His birth was supernatural. He also performed miracles and appeared to people after his death. Sounds familiar, right?...

Molinismo: ¿Por qué no todos se salvan?

Por Evan Minton El Molinismo es una perspectiva de la soteriología. Tiene mucho en común con el Arminianismo. Enseña que Dios quiere que cada ser humano llegue a Cristo para ser salvo (2 Pedro 3:9, 1 Timoteo 2:4), que Jesús murió por cada ser humano que Dios creó y...

Questions to ask my LGBTQ friends

A 14-year-old young lady wrote to Frank a question about reaching out to her bisexual friend.  How can she do that effectively?  This is a sensitive and emotional issue in our culture today, and many people are ready to pounce on you with several objections (and...

Is Hell Torment or Torture and Is there a Difference?

By Al Serrato Making a case for Christianity can be challenging in this secular culture. And what can be more challenging than explaining –no, than defending - the existence of a place of eternal punishment? It’s easy to be placed on the defensive, with an aggressive...

Richard Dawkins’ Warnings Of A Godless Society

By Luke Nix Introduction It was brought to my attention a few weeks ago that the notorious atheist Richard Dawkins may be changing his tune regarding the necessity of belief in God in human society (click or tap text to see the article). I do recall hearing winds of...

The Death of Judas: A Hopeless Bible Contradiction?

By Erik Manning Skeptics accuse Christians of not paying attention while they’re reading their Bible. If they didn’t rush through their daily devotional, they’d catch some obvious contradictions. One of the more famous of these contradictions is the two accounts of...

Anti-Pelagianismo y la Resistibilidad de la Gracia

Introducción Cuando uno piensa en el debate entre la Soberanía de Dios y la responsabilidad genuina del hombre, comúnmente se presentan dos posturas con las cuales alguien puede identificarse, el Calvinismo y el Arminianismo[1]. En general, estas perspectivas son...

Are Pro-Lifers Who Own Guns Hypocrites?

By Nathan Apodaca Another assertion has become commonplace in discussions of abortion. Pro-lifers who own firearms, or support military actions abroad are misled at best, and at worst, hypocrites. The critic assumes that any inconsistently held pro-life beliefs are...

Cosmic Child Abuse? Answering Moral Objections to the Atonement

For two thousand years, Christians have understood the death of Jesus to be substitutionary—a sacrifice that paid for our sins. From the earliest creeds to the teaching of the New Testament to the writings of the Church Fathers to today, this has been a core belief of...

10 Ways to Get Your Kids More Interested in Their Faith

By Natasha Crain A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to speak to four groups of parents during the Apologetics Canada conference (incidentally, if you live in the Long Branch, NJ, area, I’ll be speaking at the No Pat Answers conference on April 9). I ended up...

Seeking Shalom: A Case for The Way Things Ought to Be

By Bob Perry Sometimes defending God’s existence is easy. You don’t have to try to articulate some fancy philosophical or theological idea. And you don’t have to understand the intricacies of science. All you have to do is be a human being who observes the world in...

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