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Why We Can’t Know If The Universe Created Itself

By Al Serrato In the beginning, was… not the Word …. but the singularity event occurring in absolute nothingness and timelessness that spontaneously created all we see in the universe around us.  So said physicist Stephen Hawking anyway, in his popular book The Grand...

2084 with Dr. John Lennox

“Summoning a Demon” is how Tesla CEO Elon Musk referred to Artificial Intelligence.  Is he right?  Artificial Intelligence is here, and more is coming.  Will it bring us utopia or dystopia?  Should we be enthralled or afraid?  What are the ethics of AI?  Will AI...

How Jesus “Emptied Himself”

By Ryan Leasure Few biblical texts receive as much attention as Philippians 2:5-8. It reads: Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied...

Were There No Camels During the Time of Biblical Patriarchs?

By Mikel Del Rosario Camels in the Bible? Engaging skeptical challenges to the Old Testament and Camels in the Bible Most people I knew growing up had no problem saying most Old Testament stories were based on some kind of real event. Even those who were skeptical...

An Intro to Arguments for God’s Existence

By J. Brian Huffling Does God exist? This has been one of the most asked questions in history with the most profound implications. As Norman Geisler used to say, our view of God’s existence is most important since it determines what we think about everything else....

Are you a Selective Moralizer?

What makes you think that your moral views are correct?  If you were a white person in the Southern U.S. in 1840, what would you think of slavery?  If you lived anywhere in the U.S. in 1840, what would you think of abortion?  How about homosexual behavior and same-sex...

The Best Kind of Love

By Tim Stratton Question: Dear Dr. Stratton, In your interview with Jorge Gil on Cross Examined’s Hope One, you attempted to answer “all the problems of evil” by appealing to love. In fact, you said that “the best kind of love requires libertarian free will.”  Surely...

What I Learned from My Father’s Death

In this very personal podcast, Frank reveals the lessons he’s learned from his Father’s recent death. He also reflects on C.S. Lewis’s argument from desire, and how Christianity makes the best sense of our intuitions. If you want to send us a question for the show,...

Have You Thought About Marriage Lately?

By Bob Perry Have you spent much time thinking about marriage lately? You should. It doesn’t matter if a wedding is something in your future or in your past. It doesn’t even matter if you have no intention of ever getting married. The fact is that the institution of...

Without Training, The Church Will Create More Jon Steingards

By Erik Manning Recently Jon Steingard made headlines after he announced over Instagram that he had lost his faith. Steingard was the lead vocalist of the Christian music group Hawk Nelson, which became popular in the early 2000s. Since they had so many fans, this...

Society in the Hands of an Angry God

By Brian Chilton On July 8, 1741, Jonathan Edwards, famed pastor and theologian of colonial America, delivered one of his most famed messages of all-time at a church in Enfield, Connecticut. The title of his message was “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” Using...

3 Unhelpful Things in the Race Conversation That Need to Stop NOW

By Timothy Fox Race and injustice are difficult topics to discuss. And while the church must talk about it, I’ve seen a lot of harmful missteps along the way. Here are three unhelpful things that people are doing in the race conversation that needs to stop. Now....

Is Homosexual Behavior Consistent With The Bible’s Teachings?

By Wintery Knight Here’s a post from Christian writer Terrell Clemmons about efforts by gay activists to redefine Christianity so that it is consistent with homosexual behavior. This particular post is focused on Matthew Vines. She writes: In March 2012, two...

The Word Of Truth

By Jason Jimenez The Bible has been bashed, terrorized, and burned more than any other book of antiquity!  It has faced enormous challenges of its literal expression as well as the debates over its validity and accuracy from God.  And yet, despite the growing...

What does sex mean?

What does sex mean according to the Supreme Court?  Frank identifies and expounds upon 5 Casualties in the Court’s LGBTQ Sex Ruling: We the People Women LGBTQ People 96% of the Population Religious Freedom Frank reveals the sixth casualty as well, one for which the...

5 Casualties of the Court’s LGBTQ Sex Ruling

"Sex" in civil rights law now legally means sexual orientation or whatever gender you think you are. That's the result of a surprising Supreme Court decision (Bostock vs. Clayton County) from Justice Neil Gorsuch. Problem? Yes, here are five casualties of this ruling:...

Were Women Treated Like Chattel In The Old Testament?

By Ryan Leasure If you’ve ever spent time talking with skeptics about the Bible, they’ve more than likely brought up Old Testament laws that appear out of step with our “modern ideals.” For example, many suggest that the Bible treats women like chattel...

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