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Reconciling a God of Love with the Problem of Evil

By Daniel Merritt Theologians and philosophers when engaged in explaining the mysteries of life, wrestle with two mysteries that challenge the mind and the soul. Those mysteries have to do with the problem of evil, which has two components: moral evil and natural...

Sickness and the Annihilator

By Roby Hall [We consider this publication important even though it was written more than 1 year ago, the reflection written here remains valid and valuable]. A year ago, my wife surprised me with news that we were pregnant.  I was overjoyed and the next few days were...

The Top Ten Ways to Advance the Gospel at Holiday Dinners

Dreading those awkward family dinners this Christmas season? Unsure about how to tactfully bring up the real reason for Christmas? Here are the Top Ten ways to advance the Gospel at Holiday Dinners: Pray: Start praying now for opportunities and for hearts to be open....

Why The Apocrypha Isn’t In The Bible

By Ryan Leasure I’ve had more than a few conversations about the Apocrypha. From my experience, this group of a dozen Jewish books written between the Old and New Testaments (400 BC-AD 50) perplexes most Christians. A couple of reasons exist for this confusion. First,...

Does Suicide Condemn Someone to Hell?

By Brian Chilton NOTE: We recently received a question related to this topic so we decided to reblog this entry. We believe this is an extremely important issue we need to deal with as a Christian community. Pastor Rick Warren and his family suffered a great loss as...

An Encounter With Jehovah’s Witnesses

By Terrell Clemmons It was a bright and cold December morning, and I was up to my elbows in bread dough when my doorbell rang. The dog barked at full volume, and my preschool daughter zipped past me as I brushed the flour from my hands and followed her to the door....

The 40 Days of Easter

By Brian G. Chilton Easter is my favorite holiday. It is nice because of the warming weather, the blooming of flowers, the greening of the grass, and the growth of leaves on the trees. Everything looks dead during the winter, but everything seems to come to life...

Reference Guide to the Biblical Symbolism of Colors

By Brian G. Chilton Understanding portions of Scripture, particularly prophecy and apocalyptic literature, requires the reader to understand the symbolic meaning of the devices used by the prophet or apostle. Last week, I posted a reference guide describing the...

Why Should Christians Care About Logic?

By Andrew Cabrera I was at a Christmas party a few years ago and someone walked up to me and began talking to me about my views on God. At one point in the conversation he asked the age-old question, “Can God make a rock so heavy that he himself can’t lift it?” Among...

Is The Doctrine Of The Incarnation Coherent?

By Evan Minton Reasons' Greetings, everyone! Merry Christmas! I thought now would be a good time to write a blog post on what this holiday is all about: The incarnation of God Almighty. Christmas is the time we celebrate the birth of the God-Man Jesus. The Bible...

When and What Time Was Jesus Born?

By Brian Chilton This past Sunday, I received a wonderful question from a young man in our church. Matthew Cleary was in Sunday school and asked his teacher, who in turn asked me, “What time of night was Jesus born? Was it at midnight?” To be honest, I had never...

Ten Divine Attributes of the Messiah

By Brian Chilton Mark Lowry wrote a beautiful song called Mary, Did You Know. The song features questions that Mark would ask Mary if he had the chance. One of the lines inquires, “Mary, did you know . . . that when you kissed your little baby, you’ve kissed the face...

Why Did God Write A Book?

By Evan Minton Why did God write a book? By that, I mean why did God inspire authors to write documents which make up a compilation we call The Holy Bible? What were God's purposes in doing that? Obviously, He had reasons of some sort. All authors write books for...

10 Things Children Should Learn About Faith

By Natasha Crain [NOTE: This post is 4 years old but continues to receive a large number of visitors from Google searches on teaching kids about faith. A lot has happened here on the blog since I wrote this–including having the opportunity to write a book that was...

Stuff Atheists Say: Believing in God Is Like Believing in Santa

By Timothy Fox Welcome to the second installment in my series, Stuff Atheists Say! (Read part 1 here.) This series is dedicated to bad arguments and statements that some atheists (the internet troll type) make to derail a conversation and avoid having to put forth any...

What Christian Parents Can Learn from Atheist Churches

By Natasha Crain There’s a new church movement you may not have heard about, but it’s growing by leaps and bounds. It’s called the Sunday Assembly. It started less than two years ago in England and now has more than 60 congregations around the world. Twenty-five more...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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