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Is the Bible from God

By Mikel Del Rosario Is the Bible really from God? I just did a workshop on this very topic for about sixty 5th and 6th graders at Bayside Church in Granite Bay, CA. I wanted to help Christian kids talk about this stuff with their friends. But I knew it had to be...

No Real Jesus Without The Trinity

By Marcia Montenegro The Trinity may be a rather neglected doctrine in the church today, even seen as secondary by many. In this article, we’ll consider some of the responses from Christians and non-Christians objecting to the importance of the necessary doctrine of...

Human Nature According to Darwin – A Christian Response

By Ken Mann The following is was delivered as a plenary session at a Biola on the Road conference in April 2017 at Faith Bible Church in Houston Texas. Introduction Charles Darwin. Evolution. Perhaps no other man and no other idea have had a wider influence on western...

Galileo and the Catholic Church

By Ken Mann The question is asked in different ways. Are science and religion compatible? Are science and faith in conflict? The answer, once one has properly defined what is meant by science and faith, is it depends. Critics of Christianity will assert, based on...

Why the Problem of Evil is a Problem

by Aaron  Brake “If you hate evil, hate sin.” —Clay Jones— Introduction The so-called problem of evil is one of the most common objections raised against the Christian faith. Perhaps no one has more succinctly stated the apparent contradiction between an all-loving,...

Apathy, Atheism, and the Absurdity of Life Without God

by Aaron Brake Here is a statement that may seem controversial at first but upon reflection the truth of which becomes more apparent: If God does not exist and there is no life after death, then there is no ultimate meaning, value, or purpose in life. The question of...

Book Review: The Creator and the Cosmos

by Luke Nix Introduction Several years ago, when I was struggling with science/faith issues, I stumbled upon astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross' book "The Creator and the Cosmos." He had released the third edition of the book, and many people were recommending it for those...

Bas-Relief: The Big Picture Amid Gay Demands

By Terrell Clemmons Dear Mick, They say fools rush in where angels fear to tread. This territory is contentious, but I’m neither rushing in nor fearful to tread. You have pushed me to the wall, all but demanding a response from me, so here goes. Yes, I have seen the...

Science, Stephen Hawking, And Free Minds

By Terrell Clemmons Last night my 11-year old daughter Sally asked me if I’d like to watch “Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking” with her. How could a mom refuse that invitation? So we cozied up in our jammies and tuned in. It was a great show, and highly...

Darwin’s Quantum Leap

By Terrell Clemmons The Quantum Leap Early in 2009, the International Year of Darwin got underway in Shrewsbury, England, the birthplace of Charles Darwin. As part of the celebration marking both Darwin’s 200th birthday and the 150th anniversary of the publication of...

The Minimal Facts of the Resurrection

By Aaron Brake “The evidence for the resurrection is better than for claimed miracles in any other religion. It’s outstandingly different in quality and quantity.” —Antony Flew— INTRODUCTION The truth of Christianity stands or falls on the bodily resurrection of Jesus...

3 Syllogistic Arguments For Jesus’ Deity

By Evan Minton The Bible teaches in a variety of ways that Jesus Christ is God incarnate. In some places, The Bible couldn't possibly be more explicit, and it boggles the mind how anyone who takes scripture as the inspired word of God could avoid any conclusion other...

Will There Only Be 144,000 People in Heaven?

By Brian G. Chilton At our church, we recently began a new series of messages on heaven. After the service, I received a wonderful question from one of our members, Allison Mathews. Allison said that she had heard that only 144,000 people would be in heaven, and...

Are Religious Discussions Important?

By Brian Chilton An old adage claims that the two worst conversations to have with a person involve religion and politics. Since people hold deep emotional feelings pertaining to these two issues, the logic of the cliché claims that the two topics must be avoided....

The Identity Argument for the Soul

By Evan Minton C.S Lewis once wrote "You don't have a soul, you are a soul. You have a body".[1] Most Christians believe that we are not merely physical bodies, but that we are immaterial entities that live inside our bodies. We are embodied spirits. This view is...

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