Por Erik Manning Los escépticos dicen que los evangelios están plagados de contradicciones y que, por tanto, no son fuentes históricas fiables. Y estos mismos escépticos dicen que algunas de estas...
By Brian Huffling Many people don’t know how to study the Bible, or even where to begin. The Bible is a long collection of books that contains much about ancient history, difficult concepts, and is...
Why Doesn’t God Need a Creator
By Al Serrato Christians believe that God is an infinite being who has always existed. But what “evidence” can the theist put forth in support of this claim? This is a common challenge raised by the...
¿Deben los cristianos tener fe ciega?
Por Levi Dade Hace unos meses, me senté con un íntimo amigo mío en una de las cabinas de la cafetería de nuestra universidad. Mi amigo, al que llamaré Tom, es ateo. Tom es un auténtico buscador de...
Is There Hope in a Godless Society? | with Todd Herman
As the world continues to get darker, is there hope in a Godless society? What does it mean when a feminist liberal icon like Naomi Wolf starts talking about spiritual warfare and says "it's time...
4 Ways Atheism Undermines the Scientific Enterprise
By Luke Nix Introduction Have you ever wondered if atheism is compatible with science? Not many have. In today's culture it is commonly assumed that they are best of buddies. Many people even...
New Age and Christian Terms: Same Words Different Meanings. What’s the Difference?
By Melissa Dougherty Energy. Universe. I AM. Manifesting. Meditation. Visualize. Source. These are just a few words that were familiar to me in the New Age/Thought. These have different meanings in...
Hollywood Heroes That Reveal God: Wonder Woman, Captain America, and Star Wars (Part 2)
Zach Turek rejoins Frank to show how your favorite movies reveal God, and how even the Apostle Paul used the stories of his day to communicate the Gospel to non-believers. Drawing on their new book...
Cómo obtuvimos nuestra Biblia: tabla canónica del Nuevo Testamento
Por Ryan Leasure Este artículo es la cuarta parte de una serie de nueve, que trata sobre cómo obtuvimos la Biblia. En la primera parte se analizó la inspiración bíblica y la inerrancia. En la...
By Jason Jimenez In a recent conversation with a Christian friend, he shared how several unexpected killjoys had sprung up in his life and dragged him down to a dark place. Since then, my friend has...
What Words Tell Us About Culture
By Scott Reynolds What gives words meaning? Is it the author, the words themselves, the reader, or something else altogether? At different points in history all the above had a place of authority...
Nihilism and Mass Shootings
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer of the Discovery Institute joins Frank to discuss the worldview contributing to the increase in shootings over the last couple of decades. What is nihilism? What do these...
Cómo obtuvimos nuestra Biblia: el canon del Antiguo Testamento y los apócrifos
Por Ryan Leasure Esta es la tercera entrega de una serie de nueve partes sobre cómo se formó nuestra Biblia. La primera parte trataba sobre la inspiración e inerrancia de las Escrituras. La segunda...
These Viral Pro-Choice Memes Miss the Point and Fail the Test of Logic
By Natasha Crain With the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion potentially pointing to Roe v. Wade being overturned, social media is on fire with pro-choice advocates sharing memes intended to...
Is It Possible To Break Through Apathy?
By Al Serrato The biggest obstacle to most apologetics efforts is apathy. While there are indeed some ardent atheists, usually the ones who take the time to write a response to posts like these, by...
The Top 20 Discoveries About Jesus Outside the Bible
What do we know about Jesus and the story of Jesus from outside the Bible? Much more than you might think! Archaeologist Dr. Titus Kennedy joins Frank to reveal the Top 20 discoveries about Jesus...
Cómo obtuvimos nuestra Biblia: la formación del Antiguo Testamento
Por Ryan Leasure Este es el segundo de una serie de nueve artículos que abordan la cuestión de cómo obtuvimos nuestra Biblia. El último artículo trató la cuestión de la inspiración y la inerrancia....
So You Left the New Age… Now What? Five Helpful Tips
By Melissa Dougherty We each go through unique difficulties whenever we leave the New Age. Whenever I left the New Age, it was incredibly lonely. I felt like nobody understood what I had just gone...
When Hollywood gets God and virtue right
By Frank Turek Imagine if there were a fun way to raise your kid’s interest in God while imparting some of the most important virtues every Christian parent wants their children to learn. There is....
How We Got Our Bible: Manuscript Tradition
By Ryan Leasure This article is part 6 in a nine-part series on how we got our Bible. Part 1 dealt with inspiration and inerrancy. Part 2 looked at Old Testament development. Part 3 investigate...