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Do You Know What’s True And Can You Handle It?

By Alex McElroy IS IT TRUE, O Christ in Heaven, That the highest suffer most? That the strongest wander furthest, And more helplessly are lost? That the mark of rank in nature Is capacity for pain? And the anguish of the singer Makes the sweetness of the strain? Is it...

What is the Difference Between Absolute and Relative Truth?

By Natasha Crain (This is one of 40 key questions I address in my new book, Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side: 40 Conversations to Help Them Build a Lasting Faith. If you’re a parent, grandparent, church educator, or other special person in the spiritual life of a...

Is Naturalism a Good Reason to Rally?

By Mikel Del Rosario Today, I’m featuring a special guest post from one of my former mentors, R. Scott Smith, Associate Professor of Ethics and Christian Apologetics at Biola University. Dr. Smith was my adviser while I was doing my graduate studies in the Christian...

Q&A: Answering Questions Of An Agnostic Brother

By Evan Minton Hi Evan, I really like your work, really helped me. But I have a brother, he is agnostic, and he has a few objections I can’t answer (it’s so uncomfortable), so I decided to ask you. The first is on skepticism in general. Shouldn’t we be skeptical about...

Simple Tools to Test Truth Claims

By Brian G. Chilton We live in a day called the information age. This is a time when we are inundated with information. Some information is based on truth, whereas other truth claims are flawed. While it is not a popular assumption to hold: Not every opinion is...

Can We Impose Our Preferences On The External World?

By Arthur Khachatryan We are subjective creatures. We have a consciousness that provides us with an internal reality, one we experience within of our inner self. We have private preferences, opinions, fears, and biases, which are very real in our thoughts and reflect...

Logic Is Bedrock

By Tim Stratton All philosophical conversation, scientific hypotheses, mathematics, and conclusions based on the historical method entail the reality of logical laws. It would be impossible to engage in any of these disciplines if there were not logical absolutes...

Doubt: A Splinter In The Mind

Beyond surpassing wonder about God or mere inquiry about Him and His truth, doubt digs much deeper. Doubt doesn’t just ask, “What is real?” It poses the challenge, “Is my faith real?” Is what I believe really valid? Or is it simply a modified myth, an uber-marketed...

Jesus on Trial by David Limbaugh

When David Limbaugh let his friend Steve know that he had doubts about Christianity, he was surprised by Steve’s response. Instead of a blast of arrogant judgmentalism, Steve responded like a Christian should—with grace and evidence. What has happened since that time...

What Really Happened at Jesus’ Tomb?

A Look at “The Creed" Through History & Archaeology For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, and...

The Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye “Post-Debate” Round Up

Just as expected, the much anticipated and hyped debate between Kan Ham (CEO of Answers in Genesis) & Bill Nye (the “Science” Guy) sparked a “mini-blizzard” of blogs and articles from people on both sides of the debate (I guess this is just one more to add to the...

A Titanic Failure: Never Learning from Our Past

Rulers, Statesmen, Nations, are wont to be emphatically commended to the teaching which experience offers in history. But what experience and history teach is this, - that peoples and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced...

The Euthyphro Dilemma

Excerpt from "Jesus Is Involved In Politics! Why aren't You? Why Isn't Your Church?" Rational Free Press 2010 (c) Neil MammenAvailable on Amazon and at Socrates (to Euthyphro): “Is the pious loved by the gods because it is pious, or...

Caroline Lois’ Story: A response to suffering.

by Caroline's Dad, Neil Mammen My sweet daughter Caroline Lois died in my arms last week. She was nine days old. We will bury her this week. This is Caroline’s story, starting with the reflections my wife and I gave at the funeral. Afterwards I’ve included some of the...

Are Atheists really just as Moral as Christians?

Are Atheists really just as Moral as Christians? One of the complaints that I often hear is that “Atheists are just as moral as Christians are”. The response is usually made when I present the Moral Argument. Well I always try to clarify that I never said or meant...

Suffering and Evil: Can God do anything?

Can God do Anything? Can he create a stone so big that he cannot move it? Part 1 In a response to one of our readers, I said that God cannot do anything. The reader responded? “Then what about Miracles.” In another post an atheist reader said: “... God can suspend the...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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