It is widely believed that the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche ushered in the twentieth century with his famous phrase, “God is dead…”[1] Nietzsche himself died in 1900. Obviously, atheism...
Does God Exist? Craig vs. Millican
Dr. William Lane Craig is probably the best debater for evangelical Christianity today. Rarely do Craig's opponents address his arguments, much less provide coherent refutations. Dr. Peter...
Darwin’s Doubt
Darwin’s Doubt, the brand new New York Times bestseller by Cambridge-trained Ph.D., Stephen Meyer, is creating a major scientific controversy. Darwinists don’t like it. Meyer writes about the...
An Atheist Asks About Morality, Cosmology and Hell
At the University of Dallas last month, a polite atheist (Carter) had four major questions/objections to my "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist" presentation. Our nine minute exchange...
Asteroid Belts and Planet Biohabitability
A new study by Rebecca Martin of the University of Colorado finds that "Solar systems with life-bearing planets may be rare if they are dependent on the presence of asteroid belts of just the...
The Moral Argument for the Existence of God
The moral argument for the existence of God refers to the claim that God is needed to provide a coherent ontological foundation for the existence of objective moral values and duties. The argument...
The Argument From Cosmic Fine Tuning
The concept of cosmic fine tuning relates to a unique property of our universe whereby the physical constants and laws are observed to be balanced on a ‘razor’s edge’ for permitting the emergence of...
The Universe Had a Beginning
Cosmologist Alexander Vilenkin wrote a book in 2006 (Many Worlds in One) in which he refers to a theorem he developed with Alan Guth and Arvind Borde. Although not a believer in God but the...
John Lennox vs. Richard Dawkins
This is an excellent conversational debate between two Oxford professors, Dr. John Lennox and Dr. Richard Dawkins. Hope you enjoy it!
Christopher Hitchens: Evidence of a Divine Being
I am greatly saddened that Christopher Hitchens is gone. There is no one with whom I disagreed more who I admired so much. I emailed Christopher several times since his diagnosis with cancer, my...
The Euthyphro Dilemma
Excerpt from "Jesus Is Involved In Politics! Why aren't You? Why Isn't Your Church?" Rational Free Press 2010 (c) Neil MammenAvailable on Amazon and at Socrates (to...
Richard Dawkins on the Wonder of the World
In this well produced and narrated video, atheist Richard Dawkins marvels at the fine-tuned wonder of the world. What does it all point to? Raw data cannot tell us because all data must be...
Should Tiger Woods Become a Christian?
Brit Hume boldly suggests Tiger Woods, who considers himself more of a Buddhist, become a Christian because Christianity offers forgiveness. Some Buddhists object. Here's what Stephen Prothero, a...
Everyone Believes Something Unbelievable
Virgin birth. Abiogenesis. Resurrection from the dead. Random mutations producing the raw material for new organs. Intelligent creation ex nihilo. Eternal matter. Eternal mind. Heaven. Multiverses....
Caroline Lois’ Story: A response to suffering.
by Caroline's Dad, Neil Mammen My sweet daughter Caroline Lois died in my arms last week. She was nine days old. We will bury her this week. This is Caroline’s story, starting with the reflections...
Science Doesn’t Say Anything– Scientists Do
You can’t put honesty in a test tube. “Science” doesn’t say anything—scientists do. Those are a couple of the illuminating conclusions we can draw from the global warming e-mail scandal. “You mean...
Atheist vs. Theist Debates Online
I think that atheists and theists can agree on at least one thing-- this site, assembled by atheists, is a valuable resource for those interested in atheist vs. theist debates. Over 400 debates are...
Turek vs. Hitchens II, Debate Video
Thanks to Christopher for a second opportunity to debate. The question of this debate is "What Best Explains Reality: Atheism or Theism?" Recorded at the College of New Jersey! (Also available...
Defining Atheism: “No belief in God” or “Belief in no God?”
"Atheist" is a translation of the Greek: atheos using the alpha privative "a" and the term for God "theos." It does not merge the alpha private with the ENGLISH TERM "theist." Rather "atheist" as a...
Sleeping With Your GirlFriend
This column by Frank Turek appeared on Today: My friend David has a knack for cutting through the smokescreens people throw up when they’re trying to avoid making commitments, be...