“The fine structure constant could easily be larger, the photon massive, quarks heavier, or even worse, electrons, photons, or quarks might not [exist] .. Any one of these would be enough to...
Fine-Tuning of the Force Strengths to Permit Life
“As we look out into the Universe and identify the many accidents of physics and astronomy that have worked together to our benefit, it almost seems as if the Universe must in some sense have known...
Many Changes to the Laws of Physics Would be Life-Prohibiting
In my previous blog, I discussed how the initial conditions of our universe had to be extremely finely-tuned to support life of any kind anywhere in the universe. As part of my ongoing series on how...
Fine-Tuning of Initial Conditions to Support Life
This is the sixth blog in my series on fine-tuning. Here are the previous blogs if you missed them: Intro/Philosophical Background If You Don’t Want God, You Better Have a Multiverse! How Does...
But We Can’t Even Define Life
In my previous blog I addressed some important issues in making the case that fine-tuning supports theism over atheism. Today I want to look at the objection against fine-tuning that says we can’t...
Important Objections in the Fine-Tuning Debate
In my previous blog I dealt with objections to fine-tuning based on misunderstandings of the nature of the argument or of probability theory. In this blog, however, I attempt to deal with important...
Mistaken Objections that Seek to Trivialize Fine-Tuning
This is my third blog in a series on fine-tuning as evidence for God. Here are the first and second blogs, which deal with the philosophical background. Before I share the evidence I want to refute...
How Does Fine-tuning Provide Evidence for God?
In my previous blog, I defined the following fine-tuning claim: “In the set of possible physical laws, parameters and initial conditions, the subset that permits rational conscious life is very...
If You Don’t Want God, You Better Have a Multiverse!
Such is the advice from Bernard Carr in grappling with the fascinating discovery that the physics of the universe had to be fine-tuned if it were to support life. Carr views the only viable options...
Philosophical Arguments that the Universe had a Beginning
This is my last blog dealing with the origin of the universe as an argument for the existence of God. I’ll examine the issue of whether new physics might be discovered to enable the universe to be...
Much Ado About Nothing
In my blog series on scientific evidence for God, I’ve initially focused on the origin of the universe. I defended the Kalam cosmological argument and argued that since currently known physics shows...
Objection to Premise 1 of the Kalam: Doesn’t Quantum Mechanics Violate the Causal Principle?
It depends on what you mean by causality. A philosophically-informed physicist would say Quantum Mechanics (QM) doesn’t do away with causality: “In fact, QFT[Quantum Field Theory] is constructed in...
Does The Origin of the Universe Point to God?
A logical starting place for consideration of scientific data that may serve as evidence for God is the origin of the universe. William Lane Craig has made famous the following ancient argument...
What Counts as Evidence for God from Science?
Some might say that science leaves no room for the supernatural and therefore it’s impossible for science to ever provide any evidence for God. Note that if such a claim is made then science could...
Can Science Disprove God?
Suppose that there were no scientific evidence whatsoever for the existence of God, would that disprove God? Or would that necessarily make it irrational to believe in God? I argue that it wouldn’t...
The Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye “Post-Debate” Round Up
Just as expected, the much anticipated and hyped debate between Kan Ham (CEO of Answers in Genesis) & Bill Nye (the “Science” Guy) sparked a “mini-blizzard” of blogs and articles from people on...
Does Causality Apply Outside of Space and Time?
During a radio debate I had with an atheist recently, I pointed out that the universe had a beginning and thus needs a cause. He responded by claiming that since there was no space or time prior to...
“Eternity Has the Floor:” Another Look at Pascal’s Wager
Silent you stand before the altar of death! Life here and life after constitute an eternal conundrum; but its expiring spark awakens us to holy devotion and quiets every other voice except religion....
A Universe from Nothing? Dr. Krauss Explains Nothing
If Dr. Richard Dawkins is the atheist’s rock star of biology, Dr. Lawrence Krauss is the atheist’s rock star of physics (maybe only second to Stephen Hawking). An engaging speaker and winsome...
A Titanic Failure: Never Learning from Our Past
Rulers, Statesmen, Nations, are wont to be emphatically commended to the teaching which experience offers in history. But what experience and history teach is this, - that peoples and governments...