This column is a column I wrote for today. At least one lesbian is not happy with me for the case I made last week against same-sex marriage on our TV program. She wrote me this...
Are Atheists really just as Moral as Christians?
Are Atheists really just as Moral as Christians? One of the complaints that I often hear is that “Atheists are just as moral as Christians are”. The response is usually made when I present the Moral...
The Religion in Science
If current Big Bang cosmology is correct (and the evidence is very good that it is) then the entire space-time universe exploded into being out of nothing (see previous posts God and the Astronomers...
CIA: Your Chance to Make an Impact with Christian Apologetics
If you have some expertise in the area of Christian Apologetics, we are looking for instructors to help us take I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist to students and churches around the...
Is the Problem of Evil and Suffering Insurmountable?
So how do Christians respond to this Epicurean question? Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but...

Who Really Commits the “God of the Gaps” Fallacy?
The following is adapted from chapter 6 of I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist: The God-of-the-Gaps fallacy occurs when someone falsely believes that God caused the event when it really was...
Forward this Column or Get Stuck on Stupid
Dr. Mike Adams is at it again talking about the work we're doing here at Forward this Column or Get Stuck on Stupid. Thanks Mike for making Christian Apologetics mainstream!

God and the Astronomers
Since the post Darwinists Have a Lot of Explaining to Do asks atheists to offer causes for at least ten truths about reality, I thought I would present my perspective on each of those truths. We'll...
Christian Apologetics on TV: Tune in!
We are blessed to have a TV show on every Sunday night at 6 p.m. EST (rebroadcast at 11 p.m. Pacific Time) on DirecTV Channel 378. The show is called I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist,...
Over 1500 Attend "I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist" at NC State
The CrossExamined "I Don't have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist" tour visited NC State's Reynold's Coliseum on Thursday night February 7. Over 1500 students attended the seminar which was hosted by...
Over 2000 Attend "I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist" at ONU
Last week we launched our invasion of college campuses for the Spring with two major events at Olivet Nazarene University (ONU is a one-hundred-year-old Christian university about 80 miles south of...
An Apologetic against Christian Apologetics?
Last week I was taking questions during an "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist" seminar on the campus of Olivet Nazarene University. One question challenged the legitimacy of Christian...