By Brian Chilton In the New Testament, thirteen letters are attributed to the apostle Paul. Paul is, of course, the individual who had persecuted the church, but became a Christian missionary after...
Who Wrote the Gospel of Luke and Acts?
By Brian Chilton We have been engaged in a series of articles discussing the authorship of the books of the New Testament. In this article, we consider the Third Gospel, the Gospel of Luke. Who...
Who Wrote the Gospel of Mark?
By Brian Chilton Last week, we began a series on the authorship of the New Testament documents as we discussed the Gospel of Matthew. This week, we continue our series as we consider the authorship...
Who Wrote the Gospel of Matthew?
By Brian Chilton Over the course of the new few weeks, we will discuss the reasons for accepting the traditional viewpoints for New Testament authorship. We will begin with the Gospel of Matthew...
Why Is There Even A Jesus Myth Theory?
By Stephen Bedard I have spent much of my apologetics activity responding to the Jesus myth theory. My first book (co-authored with Stanley Porter) Unmasking the Pagan Christ and my first journal...
Did Messianic prophecy inspire the Christmas story?
By Tim McGrew One of the favorite targets of destructive biblical criticism is the narrative of Jesus’ birth in the first two chapters of Matthew. One distinctive feature of Matthew’s account makes...
Jesus’ Birth: How undesigned coincidences give evidence for the truth of the Gospel accounts
By J.W. Wartick There are many charges raised against the historicity of the birth narratives of Jesus Christ. These run the gamut from objections based upon alleged contradictions to...
On the Historical Accuracy of the Book of Acts
By Tim McGrew Here are some of the details that Luke gets right in Acts that cannot be derived from Josephus. Most of these can be found in Colin Hemer’s magisterial work, The Book of Acts in the...
Why Andy Stanley is Right About the Foundation of Christianity and How to Defend It
[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' custom_class=''] Dr. Russell Moore expressed several disagreements with pastor Andy Stanley at a recent conference for Southern Baptists. Dr. Moore is...
Is the Cross Cosmic Child Abuse?
By Tim Stratton Nothing is more exciting than examining the historical evidence of the resurrection of Jesus. Most people are shocked to realize that by employing the historical method, one can...
Why Are You a Christian?
By Tim Stratton Why are you a Christian? As a full-time church youth pastor and a part-time adjunct professor at a Christian college, I like to ask this question to all of my students. In fact, I...
Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 8: Two Final Methods and Conclusion)
By Brian Chilton For the past several weeks, we have been investigating how the historical Jesus of Nazareth fares by being tested by the traditional historical method. Before wrapping up our...
Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 7: Eyewitness Testimony–The Gospel Witnesses)
By Brian Chilton Last week, we discussed the eyewitness testimony for Jesus by demonstrating the validity of the Gospel records. Such an endeavor was important to establish particular witnesses...
Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 5-Early Testimony: Early New Testament Texts)
By Brian Chilton This article picks up where the last article left off. We continue our glimpse at the early testimony for Jesus of Nazareth. The Argument for the Early Dating of the Synoptic...
Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 4–Early Testimony: Pre-NT Traditions)
By Brian Chilton In our first three articles which have examined Jesus by the historical method, we have seen that, thus far, Jesus of Nazareth stands up to historical scrutiny. However, this fourth...
You Don’t Understand the Old Testament
By Timothy Fox Unbelievers rip its verses out of textual and historical context. Christians use expired laws as bludgeons and others’ promises as life-verses. Just admit it: You don’t...
Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 2–Enemy Attestation)
By Brian Chilton In our last installment of “Examining Jesus by the Historical Method,” we discussed the first aspect of the historical method. We examined how Jesus of Nazareth enjoys documentation...
Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 1-Multiple Sources)
By Brian Chilton In a previous post “What Can We Historically Know about Jesus,” I discussed various ways historians identify an event or person as historically credible. I also discussed Gary...
What Can We Historically Know about Jesus of Nazareth?
By Brian Chilton As we come close to a Christian holiday, people often begin to ask, “Can we know that these events actually took place?” When it comes to Christmas, greater ambiguity exists as to...
Are you Skeptical of the Bible Because it Reports Miracles?
In a previous blog I defended the rationality of believing in the possibility of miracles if God exists –miracles are no less ridiculous than implications of some science-related theories that are...