Is God really there for me? God, do you see? Do you hear my prayer? Experiences such as job loss, broken relationships, mental illness, or any unyielding pain can stir up questions of doubt. Doubt...
Timothy’s Tale: Unveiling Undesigned Coincidences In Paul’s Journeys
Because Paul crisscrossed paths with many folks, some repeatedly, it’s quite enlightening to compare how these people are portrayed in the book of Acts with what Paul hints at in his own letters....
The Most Important Question
It wasn’t too long ago we finally finished putting the Christmas decorations away at our house. The process caused me to reminisce about the time we had enjoyed with family and celebrations with our...
Soon vs Suddenly: An Important Distinction on Jesus’ Return
The word “soon” can be quite ambiguous, if not misleading. When asked about homework, a teenager might reply that they expect to finish sometime soon. In my family, that word could equal 30 seconds...
The Danger of Promising Universal Salvation
If you’re going to contend that universalism is true, i.e., the belief that everyone will eventually end up in heaven, then you best beware of the consequences of doing so. Evacuating a Dying Planet...
Dangerous Homefront, part 3: Correcting Prooftexts
In part 1 of this series we looked at prooftexts from the Old Testament. In part 2 we looked at prooftexts from the New Testament. At this point you may be wondering, “So what’s the big deal?”...
Dangerous Homefront, part 2: NT Prooftexts we Know and Love
In part 1 of this series, we looked at a few Old Testament passages that people often misinterpret. In part 2 we shift to the New Testament. It’s worth noting that sometimes the error is just an...
Dangerous Homefront, part 1: OT Prooftexts we Know and Love
Years ago, on a trip to Washington DC I found myself going through a few different airports and learning a life lesson along the way. The flights led me through several security checks. I had no...
A Crash Course in How to Study the Bible, Part 2
NT Greek Scholar, Dan Wallace stated, “As a Protestant I cherish the NT teaching on the priesthood of believers—that each Christian has the right to his own interpretation, but also that each...
A Crash Course in How to Study the Bible, Part 1
Imagine arriving at the lake each Sunday at 10AM to capture the mad skills of a gifted fisherman as he captures your lunch for the day. In doing so, do you think you’d learn to fish for yourself by...
Ever Heard of the Kezazah Ceremony?
We’ve all heard the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. The boy cashes in early on his inheritance only to squander it all away. Eventually he comes to his senses and returns home. And yet, what...
Why is God’s Word so Hard to Understand?
The following question comes from one our Crossexamined Community members. “Why did God allow the Bible to be written in a way that gives Christians an opportunity to misunderstand it?” This...
A Wolf in the Sheep Pen
By Bob Perry The church service at our suburban Cincinnati non-denominational church had barely ended when I started receiving text messages from friends. All of them shared some version of the same...
Are There Colossal Contradictions in the Gospels? A Reply to Rabbi Tovia Singer
By Jonathan McLatchie Rabbi Tovia Singer is an orthodox Jewish rabbi and the founder and director of Outreach Judaism. He is widely known for his counter-missionary polemics and his criticism of the...
Thoughts on Musician Plumb’s Deconstruction
How many times have you heard me cry out "God please take this"? How many times have you given me strength to Just keep breathing? Oh I need you, God I need you now. Though I walk through the...
By Brian Huffling Many people don’t know how to study the Bible, or even where to begin. The Bible is a long collection of books that contains much about ancient history, difficult concepts, and is...
How We Got Our Bible: Manuscript Tradition
By Ryan Leasure This article is part 6 in a nine-part series on how we got our Bible. Part 1 dealt with inspiration and inerrancy. Part 2 looked at Old Testament development. Part 3 investigate...
D.O.U.B.T.S.: An Evidential Filter For Miracle Claims
By Erik Manning When it comes to miracles, Christians are often accused of special pleading. We’re quick to accept Christian miracle claims, but we suddenly turn into Richard Dawkins when it comes...
How We Got Our Bible: New Testament Canonical Reception
By Ryan Leasure This article is part 5 in a nine-part series on how we got our Bible. Part 1 considered inspiration and inerrancy. Part 2 looked at the unfolding of the Old Testament. Part...
How We Got Our Bible: New Testament Canonical Grid
By Ryan Leasure This article is part four in a nine-part series on how we got the Bible. Part 1 looked at biblical inspiration and inerrancy. Part 2 considered the development of the Old Testament....