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Joshua’s Conquest and God’s Moral Consistency

Joshua’s Conquest and God’s Moral Consistency

By (Josh Klein) If God is so good, why did he command the Israelites to utterly destroy everyone and everything in the Old Testament? Is God a moral monster?[i] Particularly in the ...
Christmas: The Cure For Our Two-Storied World

Christmas: The Cure For Our Two-Storied World

By Bob Perry Even people who don’t celebrate Christmas seem to know what it’s about — the birth of a Savior who comes to rescue us from the consequences of our rebellion against Him. Ultimately, ...
The Miracle of Christmas

The Miracle of Christmas

By Al Serrato Later this week, Christians throughout the world will celebrate the birth of the Savior. But to the growing number of atheists, this celebration makes little sense. Having accepted ...


By Michelle Johnson Perpetua was born in Carthage (modern day Tunisia) near the end of the second century. Her family of origin was well off and when we first meet her, she is a young wife and ...
Why Apologists Need a Scout Mindset: Lessons to be Learned from Julia Galef

Why Apologists Need a Scout Mindset: Lessons to be Learned from Julia Galef

By Jonathan McLatchie Have you ever wondered why some people are able to think about the world clearer, forming more balanced and nuanced views about controversial topics, than others? Have you ...
An Atheist’s Call To Make Our Case

An Atheist’s Call To Make Our Case

By Bob Perry St. Francis of Assisi may have died 800 years ago, but his influence still looms. He was a man who venerated nature and lived a life of great sacrifice in service to God and his ...
A Dragon at Christmas

A Dragon at Christmas

By Ryan Leasure  “Away in a manger no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head. The stars in the sky looked down where he lay, the little Lord Jesus asleep on the ...
Is Every Bible “New Age”… Except the King James?

Is Every Bible “New Age”… Except the King James?

By Melissa Dougherty Some people see the King James Bible as far superior to other translations. They believe other translations are heretical, full of redactions with verses purposely and ...
How To Explain the Trinity to Muslims

How To Explain the Trinity to Muslims

By Sherene Khouri Islam and Christianity claim to be monotheistic religions. They both believe in one supreme God; however, their concept of the nature of the divine being is different. The ...
The Disrespecting Marriage Act

The Disrespecting Marriage Act

By John D. Ferrer Marriage is under fire... again. The red wave in November might have helped put out the fire, but not when the wave is just a trickle. Unless something wild happens in Arizona ...
Whether Christians Should Study Philosophy

Whether Christians Should Study Philosophy

By JD Kline Question: I am curious whether Christians should study philosophy. Answer: At some point, you may have heard it said, “Christians should not study philosophy because the Bible warns ...
A Reflection on Giving Thanks

A Reflection on Giving Thanks

By Al Serrato​ Several years ago, I had the privilege of meeting a World War II fighter pilot. Then in his late 80’s, in 1944 he took part in a key battle of the war in the Pacific, a last-ditch ...
Antichrists Among Us

Antichrists Among Us

By Josh Klein The Church of Satan was started by Anton Lavey in 1966[i] as an atheistic religious organization focused on hedonism and lawful citizenry. Adherents to the Church of Satan claim ...
Escaping to Pandora

Escaping to Pandora

By Al Serrato The Oscar-winning blockbuster Avatar is back in theaters in anticipation of the release of a sequel, once again wowing audiences with its 3D special effects. The plot, an allegory ...
7 Problems with the He Gets Us Campaign

7 Problems with the He Gets Us Campaign

By Natasha Crain In case you haven’t seen it yet, there’s a $100 million advertising campaign that launched this year across the United States and is aimed at helping rescue Jesus’s reputation ...
Jesus is Our Lord, Not Our Mascot.

Jesus is Our Lord, Not Our Mascot.

By Melissa Dougherty​ Some churches and people make Jesus a mascot. I’m sure a few people reading this might be scratching their heads, wondering what I mean by this. Others know exactly what I ...
Is a Perfect Being Possible?

Is a Perfect Being Possible?

By Al Serrato Many atheists claim that the God described in the Bible is not possible. They raise philosophical challenges meant to show that inherent in the very nature of God are ...
Can Atheism Account for Objective Morality?

Can Atheism Account for Objective Morality?

By Ryan Leasure  Do objective morals exist? That is to say, are certain actions right or wrong irrespective of what people think? Philosphers and moral scientists have wrestled over the question ...
Got Doubts? Stop Doing This!

Got Doubts? Stop Doing This!

By Erik Manning From working in public apologetics ministry for a few years now, one common mistake I see from Christians struggling with their faith is that they try and prematurely flex their ...
Why Most People Would Rather Be Right Than Find the Truth

Why Most People Would Rather Be Right Than Find the Truth

By Mike Taylor Can we be honest with each other for a minute and admit that being right feels good? It makes you feel powerful. When you’re right, it implies that someone else is wrong, which ...

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