The Resurrection of Jesus: The Evidential Contribution of Luke-Acts
Any discussion of the evidence for the resurrection must first ascertain what the original apostolic witnesses claimed and whether those claims are best explained by the resurrection, or by some ...
Resurrection: Fact or Fiction – An Easter Sermon
By Bobby Conway
Following Easter Sunday, it didn't take long for skeptics to fabricate fictitious claims to debunk Christ’s resurrection. It’s easy to understand why. These critics knew that if ...
Is it Hateful to Say Jesus is the Only Way?
By Ryan Leasure
Is it hateful or arrogant to claim that Jesus is the only way of salvation? Charles Templeton thought so. He argued:
"Christians are a small minority in the world. Approximately ...
Is Hell An Eternal Restraining Order?
By Al Serrato
Making sense of the existence of a place like Hell is a common struggle for the Christian apologist. Almost immediately, we are placed on the defensive, being asked to justify how ...
What is Divine Omnipresence?
By Brian Chilton
The term omnipresence describes the all-presence of God. Omnipresence is a compound word comprised of the word “omni”, meaning “all,” and “presence” which defines a person or ...
Can Moral Guilt Feelings Ever Be Objective?
By Bobby Conway
The feeling of moral guilt is a universal experience – that inward gnaw or inner ouch that we have done something wrong. It is that feeling a line has been crossed, a law has ...
Five Reasons Why 30% of Students Aren’t Dropping Out of Church
By Jason Jimenez
As American culture grows increasingly more secular, churches are no longer carrying the kind of authority and influence they once had. Church is no longer a top priority for ...
What Does it Mean to be Unequally Yoked?
Many people see “unequally yoked” in a Bible verse or hear it in conversation and seem to have one of two thoughts come into their mind: (1) Make sure I’m equally yoked with my spouse, or (2) ...
A Wolf in the Sheep Pen
By Bob Perry
The church service at our suburban Cincinnati non-denominational church had barely ended when I started receiving text messages from friends. All of them shared some version of the ...
Would It Have Been Better If God Had Not Created Us?
By Al Serrato
There has always been evil and suffering in the world, and how to make sense of it is a principal object of Christian apologetics. Often, the argument is made that God gave us free ...
Scientism And Secularism
By Luke Nix
All scientific research, discussion, and education is affected by a series of underlying beliefs that include what one grants as sources of knowledge. It is quite common in today's ...
Are There Colossal Contradictions in the Gospels? A Reply to Rabbi Tovia Singer
By Jonathan McLatchie
Rabbi Tovia Singer is an orthodox Jewish rabbi and the founder and director of Outreach Judaism. He is widely known for his counter-missionary polemics and his criticism of ...
He Gets Us, But Do We Get Him? The Case for Criticizing False Teachers
I once got an angry email from a lady who didn’t like the fact that I criticized a false teacher on our I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist podcast. “You shouldn’t criticize other ...
Trying to Make Sense of Evil and Suffering
By: Justin Angelos
Have you ever been in the situation where you are trying to make sense of evil and suffering? At some point in a person’s life, there will be some sort of pain, or suffering, ...
A Christian Apologist Responds to Sam Smith and Kim Petras’s Satanic Grammy Performance
If you watched the 2023 Grammys, then you probably saw Sam Smith and Kim Petras’s blasphemous pop hypnotic hit “Unholy.” This song has been buzzing. It has more than a hundred million views and ...
Are you having a hard time dealing with your doubts?
By Jason Jimenez
Have you ever doubted what you believe as a Christian?
The truth is, we all have. Every Christian (including your pastor) has had doubts. Even legends like John the ...
Satan at the Grammy’s?
J.R. Klein (Josh Klein)
The Grammy’s have long been a cultural symbol of transgression. The goal of the Grammy’s used to be to celebrate the best music artists in the world. It was an awards ...
When Science Becomes a Religion
By Bob Perry
Science, and the technology it breeds, is a dominating force in our culture. Understandably so. Science has extended our lives and made them more comfortable. It promises to do more ...
Thoughts on Musician Plumb’s Deconstruction
How many times have you heard me cry out
"God please take this"?
How many times have you given me strength to
Just keep breathing?
Oh I need you,
God I need you now.
Though I ...
Book Review: The Magna Carta Of Humanity
By Luke Nix
The Magna Carta of Humanity: Sinai's Revolutionary Faith and The Future of Freedom
In today's world it is difficult to be online, at parties, with family, at work, or even just in ...