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Are You Thinking Like an Atheist?

Are You Thinking Like an Atheist?

By Adam Tucker As anyone who attends the Southern Evangelical Seminary National Conference on Christian Apologetics knows, SES does its best to offer well-rounded apologetics training that ...
Belief In God Is Not a Feeling

Belief In God Is Not a Feeling

By Al Serrato “Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him.” Obi-Wan’s admonition to Luke Skywalker sums up what some skeptics probably think about Christianity. If it were real, ...
Job, Suffering, and a Game of Chess

Job, Suffering, and a Game of Chess

By Luke Nix The Ultimate Game of Chess As a Christian, I come across many challenges to my worldview. Some challenges come from those in other worldviews; others come from other Christians. ...
Got Karma? Misses and Misuses

Got Karma? Misses and Misuses

By Marcia Montenegro The Hindu word “karma” is used more and more often with a Western twist in meaning. Often people say it to mean “luck” (good or bad) or even as a gleeful expression of ...
“Christians Are Opposed To Science!” What Do You Mean By That?

“Christians Are Opposed To Science!” What Do You Mean By That?

By Evan Minton In any debate or argument, it's very important that you understand the terminology that your opponent is using and that your opponent understands the terminology that you're ...
Is There Life Out There? (Interview with Jeff Zweerink)

Is There Life Out There? (Interview with Jeff Zweerink)

Between novels, movies and television series, some of the most popular story lines involve extra-terrestrial beings living on exotic planets somewhere in the universe. The notion of alien life ...
Dan Brown’s Origin: No God Required?

Dan Brown’s Origin: No God Required?

By Timothy Fox “Where do we come from?” and “Where are we going?” These are the two big questions Dan Brown explores in his latest novel, Origin (Doubleday, 2017). (Minor spoilers ahead.) This ...
What Christian Parents Should Learn from the Normalize Atheism Movement

What Christian Parents Should Learn from the Normalize Atheism Movement

By Natasha Crain I recently encountered a movement underway on social media called “Normalize Atheism.” According to the website of the same name, the movement started a couple of years ...
Four Ways to Come Alongside Your Kids to Strengthen Their Faith

Four Ways to Come Alongside Your Kids to Strengthen Their Faith

If you’re paying attention to what’s happening in America today, you’re probably aware of the challenges facing young Christians in their teens and twenties. It’s a simple fact: most young ...
What Christianity Teaches About Service

What Christianity Teaches About Service

By Al Serrato I attended an awards assembly recently with my teenage son. He had written an essay on the value of military service, so the speeches and theme this night had to do with the ...
How Can Apologists Best Use Twitter? 6 Ideas

How Can Apologists Best Use Twitter? 6 Ideas

When my father first released Evidence that Demands a Verdict in 1972 there was very little popular apologetics materials available, and so it was an instant success. But now with the ...
Are Young People Really Leaving Christianity?

Are Young People Really Leaving Christianity?

Much has been written about both the Biblical illiteracy of teenage believers and the flight of young people from the Church. Many have observed this trend, and I too have witnessed it ...
8 Predictions about the Future of Sex, Gender, and Marriage in America

8 Predictions about the Future of Sex, Gender, and Marriage in America

Recently I was reading sociologist Mark Regnerus’s insightful new book Cheap Sex: The Transformation of Men, Marriage, and Monogamy. His premise is that the Pill and ubiquity of pornography have ...
Tornado Simulations, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and God’s Existence

Tornado Simulations, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and God’s Existence

By Luke Nix Introduction For nearly all my life, I've had a fascination with the physical sciences. Meteorology and astronomy were two of them that always caught and kept my attention as a ...
To COEXIST Is A Biblical Command

To COEXIST Is A Biblical Command

Along with my regular blog here at, I am now featuring occasional guest posts from some students in the Biola M.A. in Christian Apologetics that I personally had the privilege ...
Why Did God Write A Book?

Why Did God Write A Book?

By Evan Minton Why did God write a book? By that, I mean why did God inspire authors to write documents which make up a compilation we call The Holy Bible? What were God's purposes in doing ...
Why Shouldn’t We Trust the Non-Canonical Gospel Attributed to John?

Why Shouldn’t We Trust the Non-Canonical Gospel Attributed to John?

The Gospel of John is a reliable addition to the New Testament Canon, but this ancient document isn’t the only text attributed to this disciple of Jesus. Another slightly less ancient text ...
Is Faith Emotional or Logical?

Is Faith Emotional or Logical?

By Luke Nix So many people, both religious and non-religious, believe that faith is purely emotional, and in most contexts people imply the word "blind" before "faith". While few others believe ...
Why Did a “Good” God Create Hell?

Why Did a “Good” God Create Hell?

By Al Serrato Many people today accuse God of unfairness.  Since God can foresee the future, they ask, why didn’t He simply never create all those he knows to be destined to spend eternity in ...
Responding To Free Will Critics

Responding To Free Will Critics

By Evan Minton My article "5 Arguments For The Existence Of Free Will" became very popular. Tim Stratton liked it so much that he featured it as a guest post on his ...

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