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Can Science Explain Morality? No!

Can Science Explain Morality? No!

By Sean McDowell  Human beings have a universal belief in right and wrong. As C.S. Lewis has observed, moral codes from cultures throughout world history vary over what specific behavior they ...
Book Review: Welcome to College

Book Review: Welcome to College

By Luke Nix. Introduction With today's culture ever-increasingly becoming hostile to the Christian worldview, it is vitally important that we prepare our children for the challenges they will ...
Are Religious Discussions Important?

Are Religious Discussions Important?

By Brian Chilton An old adage claims that the two worst conversations to have with a person involve religion and politics. Since people hold deep emotional feelings pertaining to these two ...
What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?

As Frank quite often says, the new religion in America is the religion of sex, an old religion resurrected. The leading topics of controversy and conversation today are Abortion and the LGBTQ ...
Reference Guide to the Biblical Symbolism of Colors

Reference Guide to the Biblical Symbolism of Colors

By Brian G. Chilton Understanding portions of Scripture, particularly prophecy and apocalyptic literature, requires the reader to understand the symbolic meaning of the devices used by the ...
Should God Reveal Himself More Clearly?

Should God Reveal Himself More Clearly?

By Al Serrato God gave us free will so that we can freely choose Him, for freedom of choice is essential to love. But, the skeptic counters, many people do not believe God is real. Why doesn’t ...
Can You Have Purpose Without God?

Can You Have Purpose Without God?

By Luke Nix Introduction One of the more convincing reasons to believe that atheism is false comes from man's desire for life to have purpose. If there is no designer behind the universe, life ...
The Identity Argument for the Soul

The Identity Argument for the Soul

By Evan Minton C.S Lewis once wrote "You don't have a soul, you are a soul. You have a body".[1] Most Christians believe that we are not merely physical bodies, but that we are immaterial ...
God Behaving Badly? – Destruction of the Canaanites

God Behaving Badly? – Destruction of the Canaanites

By Timothy Fox This is the second article in my series God Behaving Badly? where I address passages of the Bible where God seems to do some immoral things. In the introductory article, I ...
Should Christians Stay Silent? No!

Should Christians Stay Silent? No!

Should Christians Stay Silent? No! Rarely a day goes by (and sometimes an hour) that I don’t receive personal criticism through Twitter, email, Facebook, or some other medium. I have chosen to ...
A Through Guide to the Non-Canonical Gospels

A Through Guide to the Non-Canonical Gospels

Many years ago, when I first became interested in Christianity, I encountered a book at a local bookstore entitled, The Lost Books of the Bible. As a new investigator of the claims of the New ...
How do Atheists Justify Human Rights?

How do Atheists Justify Human Rights?

Christians and atheists often disagree over politics and human rights.  However, while Christians have a foundation for supporting their political positions, atheists unwittingly steal from God ...
Can We Impose Our Preferences On The External World?

Can We Impose Our Preferences On The External World?

By Arthur Khachatryan We are subjective creatures. We have a consciousness that provides us with an internal reality, one we experience within of our inner self. We have private preferences, ...
The Canon Conspiracy

The Canon Conspiracy

By Timothy Fox I’ve always been intrigued by conspiracy theories. New World Order, Illuminati, stuff like that. Christianity has its own share of conspiracy theories, like the existence of ...
Reference Guide to Biblical Numerology

Reference Guide to Biblical Numerology

By Brian G. Chilton Early Apostolic Church Fathers (100-451 AD) recognized that Scripture had four layers of interpretation. They used a method called quadriga which held the following layers: ...
If Evolution Were True, What Would Happen To Adam And Eve?

If Evolution Were True, What Would Happen To Adam And Eve?

By Evan Minton If evolution were true, what would we Christians do about the Bible's teachings on Adam and Eve, their relationship with sin's entrance into the world, and the doctrine of ...
Why Can’t God Just Forgive Us?

Why Can’t God Just Forgive Us?

By Evan Minton Some non-Christians, mainly Muslims, ask why Jesus had to die on the cross in order for us to be saved. "Why does God need a blood sacrifice?" They'll ask, "Why can't He simply ...
Why Should Christians Care About Logic?

Why Should Christians Care About Logic?

By Andrew Cabrera I was at a Christmas party a few years ago and someone walked up to me and began talking to me about my views on God. At one point in the conversation he asked the age-old ...
Why Evil Disproves Atheism

Why Evil Disproves Atheism

How can a good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? Many people doubt the existence of God because of the existence of evil.  But evil doesn’t disprove God—evil disproves ...
What Happens to Our Souls When We Die?

What Happens to Our Souls When We Die?

There are many good reasons to believe we, as humans, are more than simply physical bodies. Humans are “soulish” creatures; we are living souls united to physical bodies. Even without the ...

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