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Debating Atheists: Arrival of Jesus (Part 5/5)

By Dan Grossenbach Ancient history is a funny thing. We depend on the information, but no one was there to see it. Historians meet this challenge with the standard method of historiography. Historiography is scientific in a sense, albeit different than the hard...

Beach Balls and the Sexual Revolution

It’s no secret that sexual mores have changed radically over the past few decades in America (and beyond). Certain commonsense and natural beliefs about the purpose and nature of sex and marriage have been uprooted. Given the increase in abortion since Roe vs. Wade,...

Who Wrote the Gospel of John?

By Brian Chilton For the past few weeks, we have investigated the authors of the Gospels and the book of Acts. In this article, we examine the evidence for the Gospel of John. Who wrote the Fourth Gospel? As we have in previous articles, this article will look at the...

Debating Atheists: Arrival of Evil (Part 4/5)

By Dan Grossenbach Understanding evil reveals an important part of reality. As much as we try to avoid it, evil is part of the universal human condition – something theists and atheists both have in common. You may be surprised, however; that the way atheists think...

Right Behavior. Does It Exist?

By Michael C. Sherrard How do you know if your idea of right behavior is truer than mine? I ask, of course, because nearly every day I’m confronted, as are you I'm sure, by someone who insists that they are right and I wrong about how to live. Arguing is native; it’s...

Debating Atheists: Arrival of Biological Information (Part 3/5)

By Dan Grossenbach Information embedded inside all of life demands an explanation. Virtually all agree that, at some point in earth’s early history, the first living being came about from non-living (dead) material. Setting aside for the moment the incredible...

¿Quién escribió el evangelio de Lucas y los Hechos?

Por Brian Chilton Nos hemos dedicado a una serie de artículos sobre la autoría de los libros del Nuevo Testamento. En este artículo, consideramos el Tercer Evangelio, el Evangelio de Lucas. ¿Quién escribió el Evangelio? ¿Qué pistas tenemos de la evidencia interna y...

Who Wrote the Letters of Peter?

By Brian Chilton Over the past few months, we have been investigating the authors and backgrounds of the New Testament books. In this article, we will look into the letters attributed to Peter. Towards the back of the New Testament, one will find two letters...

Debating Atheists: Arrival of the Universe (Part 2/5)

By Dan Grossenbach In the previous post of this short blog series found here, I explained how four facts agreed upon by the majority of non-Christian experts can be used to build a strong case for Christianity. This is the approach I took when I debated Freethought...

7 Reasons Why I Came Back to the Christian Faith

By Brian Chilton On today’s podcast, host Brian Chilton discusses his personal journey back to the Christian faith. Brian was saved at the age of 7 and was called into the gospel ministry at 16 years of age. However, he left the faith in 2000 due to personal issues...

The Incompatibility of Christianity and Racism

By Brian Chilton This past Saturday, I returned home from our church’s annual Vacation Bible School. The topic for this year’s VBS was on putting on the full armor of God. When I sat down in my office chair, I turned on my laptop to check the website and look over a...

Debating Atheists: Introduction (part 1/5)

By Dan Grossenbach On November 27, 2016, I debated a local atheist leader, retired podiatrist Dr. Gil Shapiro, the spokesperson of Freethought Arizona (video here). I’ve blogged on general post-debate thoughts here but now will cover a series of five consecutive blog...

Who Wrote the Letter of James?

By Bryan Chilton As you know, we have been examining the authorship of the New Testament letters over the past few weeks. Thus far, we have learned that good reasons exist to accept the apostles Matthew and John as authors of the First and Fourth Gospels; John Mark as...

Did God Use Evolution? Is the Earth Old? New Book Review

Questions related to origins are some of the most divisive in the church today: How old is the earth? Is there good evidence for intelligent design? Did God use evolution?Sadly, rather than discussing differences in a sober and gracious manner, conversations are often...

A Simple Case for Religious Liberty

As John Stonestreet and I argue in our book Same-Sex Marriage, we are currently undergoing one of the most sweeping social revolutions in world history. Until theObergefell v. Hodges SCOTUS decision in 2015, the definition of marriage as a union of a man and a woman...

Why Apologetics Won’t Work

By Dan Grossenbach If apologetics is so great and its arguments compelling, why isn’t everyone convinced of Christianity? This is where the doctrine of election debate between Calvinists and Arminians normally comes in, but I think both sides are overlooking a simpler...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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