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Is The Doctrine Of The Incarnation Coherent?

By Evan Minton Reasons' Greetings, everyone! Merry Christmas! I thought now would be a good time to write a blog post on what this holiday is all about: The incarnation of God Almighty. Christmas is the time we celebrate the birth of the God-Man Jesus. The Bible...

When and What Time Was Jesus Born?

By Brian Chilton This past Sunday, I received a wonderful question from a young man in our church. Matthew Cleary was in Sunday school and asked his teacher, who in turn asked me, “What time of night was Jesus born? Was it at midnight?” To be honest, I had never...

How the Ontological Argument Proves the Existence of God

By Al Serrato The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” If this passage from Psalms is correct, then many people today are fools, for they insist that God does not exist. But the ranks of non-believers include many scientifically minded and highly intelligent...

Resolving Christmas Conundrums

By Evan Minton Christmas is one of my favorite holidays and has been for as long as I've walked this Earth. As a kid, it was because I got a boatload of toys on Christmas morning that I got to play with as Mom and Dad prepared Christmas dinner for us and the rest of...

Crazy College Courses and the Religion of Sex

Just when you thought the state of higher education couldn’t get any lower, the Young America’s Foundation surveyed fifty major colleges to see what courses they are offering as legitimate “higher education” in the 2017-18 academic year. As is evident from a reading...

If Satan was a Professor

Frank highlights the morally vacuous courses at major universities. A new wave of identity politics is infecting higher education, playing directly into the hands of leftist administrators, professors, and students seeking to reach a new low in their victim olympics....

If Evolution is True, Atheism is False

By Tim Stratton Atheists often appeal to evolution in an attempt to explain the primate complexity we observe today without a need for an Intelligent Designer — God! Indeed, many say the reason they affirm atheism is because they believe evolution is true. Since their...

Is Christianity a Form of Superstition?

By Al Serrato Superstition is as old as man. An incomplete picture of why things work the way they do fuels the imagination to conjure up hidden forces at work behind the scenes. Pull back the curtain and perhaps one will find an “all-powerful” being at work pulling...

¿Quién escribió las cartas de Juan?

Por Brian Chilton El sitio web ha dedicado un tiempo considerable a explorar la identidad de los autores de los textos del Nuevo Testamento. Este viaje continúa mientras exploramos las tres cartas atribuidas a Juan. ¿Quién era la persona llamada Juan detrás de estas...

Give Them The Keys: Making a Youth Ministry a Youth’s Ministry

Frank interviews Tim Ramsey about his new book. Imagine joining a sports team but never getting a chance to play or even attend the games. Imagine if all you did was talk about the game, and never got to enjoy the benefits of playing it. Many youth groups are like...

Do Christians Have a Bias to Believe?

By Al Serrato To the skeptic, most Christians – certainly most who appear willing to “defend” their faith – may seem a bit one-dimensional, perhaps in some cases fanatical. They seem so convinced of their views, regardless of how bizarre some of these views seem to...

Ten Divine Attributes of the Messiah

By Brian Chilton Mark Lowry wrote a beautiful song called Mary, Did You Know. The song features questions that Mark would ask Mary if he had the chance. One of the lines inquires, “Mary, did you know . . . that when you kissed your little baby, you’ve kissed the face...

Should Christians Reject the Soul for Biblical Reasons?

By Jacobus Erasmus   Question Dear Dr. Erasmus, Tim Stratton shared your post, Objections to the Existence of the Soul, to the UK Apologetics and Evangelism Facebook group, of which I am a member. In that group, there is a very knowledgeable Christian who does not...

¿Quién escribió la carta de Santiago?

Por Brian Chilton Como saben, hemos estado examinando la autoría de las cartas del Nuevo Testamento en las últimas semanas. Hasta ahora, hemos aprendido que existen buenas razones para aceptar a los apóstoles Mateo y Juan como autores del Primer y del Cuarto...

Exposing More Contradictions

In this brief podcast, Frank tackles some of the inconsistencies of adhering to a worldview that claims we can choose our own gender. He also educates those who claim that one can be "racist" against Islam (Muslims). Listen also to Exposing Atheists Contradictions...

Being A Good Apologist Is More Than Knowing The Right Answers

By Evan Minton 1 Peter 3:15 says to "Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have, yet do so with gentleness and respect" and 2 Corinthians 10:5 says "We demolish argument and every pretension that sets itself up...

Who Is Jesus, According to Other Religions?

People trying to discover the truth about God would be wise to take a hard look at Jesus before looking anywhere else. While that may sound like a bold assertion in and of itself, it really isn't when you consider Jesus is the one religious leader who is most...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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