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Uncovering Jerusalem with Archaeologist Eli Shukron

Frank sits down in his studio with the famous archaeologist Eli Shukron. They talk about Eli's story and his amazing archaeological discoveries. These discoveries not only authenticate the historical accuracy of the various biblical accounts related to these artifacts...

Does The Bible Promote Slavery?

By Ryan Leasure “Consult the Bible, and you will discover that the creator of the universe clearly expects us to keep slaves.” 1 This provocative statement by atheist Sam Harris is meant to cast shade on the God of the Bible. After all, if civilized humanity...

Do We Have Reasons to Believe in God’s Existence?

By Brian Chilton Recently, news agencies filled the airwaves and the internet with the news of Stephen Hawking’s last book to be published and released posthumously. The book released on October 16, 2018, is entitled Brief Answers to the Big Questions. Hawking argues...

Answering Two Common Objections To The Author Of Life Argument

By Evan Minton  When atheists accuse God of being immoral, they usually point to nasty Old Testament accounts like the conquest of Canaan, God sicking two female bears on a group of youths for harassing Elisha, or destroying humanity in a massive flood (Genesis 6-9)....

Christians and Donald Trump

A controversial topic with a controversial author about a controversial figure. Frank interviews Dr. Michael Brown about his new book: Donald Trump is Not my Saviour. As a Christian, how can you support a president whose present actions and personal history you...

“Don’t Mix Politics & Religion!”

By Tim Stratton Complaint: Dear Tim, I love you man, but I don’t want my politics and my religion mixed. I look up to you for religious context and commentary because you are an expert in the field. Not politics. That’s just your opinions, and I can get that from...

Are you believing tradition or scripture?

An interview with the real Indiana Jones, Bob Cornuke about his new book titled "Tradition: Exploring the Roots of Church Traditions." Bob examines various man-made church traditions which have, far too often, strayed from clear Scriptural mandates. Don't miss this...

Did the Apostles Really Die as Martyrs?

By Mikel Del Rosario Evidence That Demands a Verdict Growing up, I had a lot of questions about the faith. So I went looking for answers. One of the first apologetics books I discovered on my dad’s shelf was Josh McDowell’s classic work, Evidence that Demands a...

Where the Evidence Led Me

By Terrell Clemmons A Review of Heretic: One Scientist's Journey from Darwin to Design, by Matti Leisola & Jonathan As a student beginning his scientific studies in 1966, Finnish biochemist Matti Leisola used to laugh at Christians who "placed God in the gaps of...

Los argumentos a partir del Ajuste Fino del universo

OBSERVACIONES PRELIMINARES Hacer un artículo sobre el ajuste fino del universo que sea muy corto y sencillo corre el riesgo de que sea blanco de dudas y objeciones, y una exposición extendida y técnica corre el riesgo de que sea poco inteligible para el lector o...

A Deeper Understanding Of Christ’s Love Through Suffering

By Luke Nix Introduction How can you helplessly watch as a child dies from agonizing cancer? Doesn't the love you feel tell you that that suffering is evil and a God who is all loving and all powerful would rescue that child? How can God be all loving and all powerful...

Emotional Doubt and How to Combat It

By Brian Chilton In a recent class at Liberty University, it was noted how 80% of a person’s doubts do not stem from intellectual problems with Christianity, but rather from emotional doubt. Emotional doubt is a problem for every person, but it seems to be a tougher...

Apologistas, por favor no se olviden del evangelio

By Michael Sherrard Porque no me avergüenzo del evangelio, porque es poder de Dios para salvación a todo aquel que cree; al judío, primeramente, y también al griego. — ROMANOS 1:16 Como apologista, déjame animarte a confiar en el poder del evangelio. No te avergüences...

Jesus Is Risen

Originally confined to a small circle of believers centered in Jerusalem, Christianity's stunning transformation into the world's most popular faith is one of history's greatest, most miraculous stories. Frank interviews #1 bestselling author David Limbaugh about his...

¿Proviene la Biblia de Dios?

Por Mikel Del Rosario ¿De verdad la Biblia proviene de Dios? Recientemente llevé a cabo un taller sobre este tema dirigido a estudiantes de quinto y sexto grado en Bayside Church de Granite Bay, CA. Quería ayudar a los niños cristianos a hablar sobre este asunto con...

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