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Systems Engineering in Nature

By Cathryn Buse Before I had children, I worked as a systems engineer at NASA at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, AL. Through my career, I met a lot of brilliant scientists and engineers who were committed Christians. But I also encountered a lot of...

Defrocking The Priests Of Scientism

By Bob Perry The way large church authorities deal with heretics hasn’t changed much over the centuries. They demand adherence to dogma. They threaten or silence those who defy the hierarchy. Finally, they excommunicate those who refuse to submit to their demands. The...

Modern Pelagianism and Its Failure to Recognize the Power of God

By Brian Chilton Pelagius was a fifth-century British monk who caused a stir during his time. He denied the doctrine of original sin. As such, he believed that no one was truly impacted by sin, but rather chose to do evil rather than good by one’s own free will....

Las contradicciones filosóficas de la cosmovisión transgénero

By Ryan T. Anderson El pensamiento de los activistas transgénero es inherentemente confuso y lleno de contradicciones internas. Los activistas nunca reconocen esas contradicciones. En su lugar, de manera oportunista se basan en cualquier afirmación que sea útil en un...

What Best Explains The Desire for Moral Transformation?

By Alex McElroy The reality of a moral law as well as the implications of immoral decisions is all too apparent. History is rife with the fallout from moral disagreement and disengagement. Embedded within the realm of moral epistemology is the problem of evil. Not...

Last Call: Addressing the Problem of Suicide

On August 1, 2007, Pastor John Mark Caton of Cottonwood Creek Church in Allen, Texas, got a phone call from his brother.  It was his last call.  His brother took his life the next day.  Dr. Caton joins Frank to discuss this very difficult topic. ...

Do Your Spiritual Conversations Become Frustrating Arguments?

By Mikel Del Rosario We need to bring truth and love together in our apologetics I once had lunch with actor and filmmaker named Alex Kendrick. He’s best-known for his movies like Fireproof, War Room, and Overcomer. Few people realize what undergirds...

Is it Unbiblical to Argue for God?

By Doug Potter In my earliest days of attempting to do apologetics, I was confronted in the church with the objection that relying on philosophy, particularly arguments for the existence of God, was not only unwise, it was unbiblical. Upon inquiring why, they...

El Apologista (en español)

Por Terrell Clemmons Jorge Gil: El apologista de la siguiente generación para el mundo Jorge Gil nació en 1982 de una madre soltera en Costa Rica. Cuando tenía un año, ella lo dejó al cuidado de sus abuelos y se mudó a los Estados Unidos, donde murió diez años...

Why Would A Woman Want To Participate In The Hook-Up Culture?

By Wintery Knight  Do young women understand how to get to a stable marriage? Note: in this article, when I refer to women, I mean young, unmarried women who have been influenced by feminism. I do not mean all women, and especially not married women. My good...

Does the Bible Condone Slavery?

Passages in the Old Testament mention buying “slaves” or servants.  One even states “If a man sells his daughter as a female slave (Ex. 21:7) ….”  What?  Buying and selling slaves?  Selling your daughter?  This is crazy and obviously immoral!   But are we...

Can We Know Anything for Sure?

By Doug Potter The following is an excerpt for our Why Trust the God of the Bible? Ebook. Many today fail to see the importance of grounding their reasoning process in reality in spite of the fact that whatever is not based on reality is un-reality, in other...

The Strongest Argument for God

There is an argument for God that works even if the universe is eternal, even if macroevolution is true, even if a person believes that science is the supreme source of knowledge. It’s an argument that is as old as Aristotle, yet few talk about it today. Tricia...

The Woke-ing Dead and the Futility of Reason

By Tim Stratton The COVID-19 “quarantine” wasn’t all bad. Sure, no one likes being sentenced to “house arrest,” but I enjoyed spending some extra time with my wife and 17-year-old son (I did not take those moments for granted). The dreaded coronavirus, however, shut...

Why It Is Foolish To Insist There Is No God

By Al Serrato  “The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” If this passage from Psalms is correct, then many people today - including numerous scientists and other well-educated folks - are fools, for they insist that God does not exist. While...

Was Jesus a Jerk? A Response to the Friendly Atheist

By Erik Manning A few weeks ago, CNN Tonight host Don Lemon said: “But here’s the thing, Jesus Christ, if that’s who you believe in Jesus Christ, admittedly was not perfect when he was here on the Earth. So why are we deifying the Founders?” As you can imagine, this...

Does Abortion Trump Everything Else?

Does Abortion Trump Everything Else? Have you heard people say that you’re just a one-issue voter? You’re pro-life on abortion but you need to be pro-life until natural death.  You need a more biblically balanced view and address other issues that are just as...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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