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The Wisdom Chronicle

T he Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies with you.  Blessings, Jim Whiddon 311. BOARD DRIFT “Faith-based...

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies with you.  Blessings, Jim Whiddon 301. UNDERSTANDING GOD “If I could fully...

Was George Washington a Christian or a Freemason?

Many skeptics of Christianity claim George Washington was a freemason and not at all a Christian. Many Christians claim the opposite. So which is it? Our first President is, obviously, not alive today to really set the record straight. It would be very helpful if he...

Silent Auction Items

[av_section color='main_color' custom_bg='#efefef' src='' attachment='' attach='scroll' position='top left' repeat='no-repeat' video='' video_ratio='16:9' min_height='' padding='default' shadow='no-shadow' id=''] [av_heading heading='Silent Auction Items' tag='h1'...

Coarse-Tuning vs. Fine-Tuning

I attended an interesting debate last Saturday night between Justin Schieber and Blake Giunta. Blake used the fine-tuning evidence as one argument for God’s existence and Justin countered by pointing to the Coarse-Tuning argument. What is the Coarse-Tuning Argument?...

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies with you.  Blessings, Jim Whiddon 291. CRITICISM “Carve praise in marble,...

Featured Video

[av_section color='main_color' custom_bg='#f7f7f7' src='' attachment='' attach='scroll' position='top left' repeat='no-repeat' video='' video_ratio='16:9' min_height='' padding='default' shadow='no-shadow' id=''] [av_heading tag='h1' padding='10' heading='Featured...

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies with you.  Blessings, Jim Whiddon 281. FAITH-BASED “Faith in mankind is...

Silent Auction

[av_heading heading='Donor Banquet &  Silent Auction' tag='h1' color='' custom_font='' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='10'][/av_heading] [av_textblock] December 2, 2014  KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: ...

Jesus on Trial by David Limbaugh

When David Limbaugh let his friend Steve know that he had doubts about Christianity, he was surprised by Steve’s response. Instead of a blast of arrogant judgmentalism, Steve responded like a Christian should—with grace and evidence. What has happened since that time...

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies with you.  Blessings, Jim Whiddon 271. “The founding fathers of America...

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies with you.  Blessings, Jim Whiddon 261. SALVATION “the Bible doesn’t agree...

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies with you.  Blessings, Jim Whiddon 251. OBEDIENCE “Judas heard all Christ’s...

What is the Purpose of Sex?

There can only be a purpose for sex if there is a purpose for life, which means that sex (or any other activity) can only have ultimate meaning if God exists.  If there is no God, then all of life is ultimately meaningless. Since God exists, the main purpose of sex is...

Why Pornography Harms

On this blog we have often talked about the same sex marriage controversy and how it poses a threat to both religious liberty and the family unit. However, the elephant in the room that is rarely publicly discussed in evangelical circles is pornography, an evil that...

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies with you.  Blessings, Jim Whiddon  241. WISDOM “Although we develop our...

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies with you.  Blessings, Jim Whiddon 231. GOD'S ECONOMY “In the world’s...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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