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What a Non-Christian Taught Me about the Gospel

By Dr. Dave Oldham A number of years ago, a young woman came to our church for counseling and talked to me. She poured out her story of disappointment with her husband’s unfaithfulness, his unwillingness to change, and the mess her life had become, not only because of...

Was Apollonius of Tyana a Jesus Parallel?

By Ryan Leasure Bart Ehrman is the most popular skeptic in America today. Writing at super-sonic rates, his books seem to find their way on the New York Times Bestseller list about every other year. Because of his rapid output and wide popularity, his views are...

The two kinds of skeptics and how to deal with both

By Erik Manning We can gain knowledge about the subject of Christian apologetics until our eyes bug out of our heads. But knowing how to apply that information in our everyday lives is another animal. And a big part of learning effective communication is knowing our...

Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses

By J. Brian Huffling “There are some Jehovah’s Witnesses in the neighborhood if you want to talk them,” my wife said. I was excited. I have had numerous and long-standing discussions with Mormons, but never anything meaningful with Jehovah’s Witnesses. After a while,...

Why the Gospel of Thomas isn’t in the Bible

By Ryan Leasure There’s a common refrain among liberal scholars that says the church suppressed dozens of Gospels. The reason they say? It’s because those books share scandalous information about Jesus that the church wanted to hide. They didn’t want the world to know...

Is It Biblical to Have an Evidential Faith?

By Luke Nix Introduction Is biblical faith blind or reasonable? This is one of the most hotly debated questions between believers and unbelievers. While most who say that faith is blind are unbelievers, I have also heard many Christians claim this as well. The claim...

How Do We Know The Truth Is Out There?

By Bob Perry There are two kinds of truth. One depends on our opinion of things. This is called subjective truth. The other depends on the way the world actually is. This is called objective truth. Most people never think about the difference between the two. And that...

God & Evil: A Rapid-Fire Response

By Timothy Fox The problem of evil (pain or suffering) is probably the number one argument against the existence of God. While it is definitely not a problem that can be answered quickly and simply, I’d like to offer some short, rapid-fire responses that can be used...

Safeguarding Yours from the Modern Cult of Experts

By Terrell Clemmons [Although this essay was written at another time, Cross Examined considers its content to be current and relevant to share] Few years ago, Current Biology, a research journal published by Cell Press, carried an article titled, "The Negative...

No, the argument from miracles has not been debunked (Pt. 1)

By Erik Manning Is the argument from miracles full of fallacies? Popular atheist YouTuber 'Rationality Rules' argues that’s the case. Rather than examining miracles on a report-by-report basis, he opts to say that the case for miracles is doomed from the start. This...

Don’t Buy “The Science Guy”

By Bob Perry Bill Nye, “The Science Guy” used to host an enjoyable and informative TV program for kids. In the last few years, however, Bill Nye has entered into a different realm. Apparently, he fancies himself an arbiter of all truth; the man who can quite literally...

How Naturalism Defeats Science As A Knowledge Discipline

By Luke Nix Introduction One of the core necessities of science is the constancy of the laws that govern this universe. The fact that the laws of physics have the same since the beginning of the universe and will continue until the universe is destroyed allows...

The Education of Jesus of Nazareth

By Brian Chilton Often, critical scholars make Jesus of Nazareth out to be a country bumpkin, one who was uneducated and unsophisticated. However, when one evaluates his life and teaching style, it appears that Jesus of Nazareth was a well-polished individual who...

19 Essential Bible Verses and Passages on Apologetics

By Erik Manning Sometimes you gotta make an apologetic for apologetics.  Often well-meaning Christians spout off pious-sounding platitudes like “faith isn’t based on reason, that’s why it’s called faith,” or “God doesn’t need us to defend him, just preach the gospel.”...

Messianic Prophecy and the Resurrection

By Brian Chilton My class and I recently completed a wonderful Ph.D. seminar entitled Issues on Messianic Prophecy with Dr. Randall Price and Dr. Ed Hindson at Liberty University. Unfortunately, messianic prophecy has received less attention than in times past. Even...

Meet the New Apologists (Part 2: Advice)

By Jordan Apodaca In the last post we met seven “new apologists.” Now, we ask them crucial questions about how to start and run a young apologetics ministry. What advice would you give to newer apologists about finding their niche/focus? How important is it? How does...

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