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Tornado Simulations, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and God’s Existence

By Luke Nix Introduction For nearly all my life, I've had a fascination with the physical sciences. Meteorology and astronomy were two of them that always caught and kept my attention as a kid. In my teens was when I started to focus more on information technology,...

Why Did God Write A Book?

By Evan Minton Why did God write a book? By that, I mean why did God inspire authors to write documents which make up a compilation we call The Holy Bible? What were God's purposes in doing that? Obviously, He had reasons of some sort. All authors write books for...

5 Arguments for The Existence of Free Will

By Evan Minton Free Will is a topic debated among Christians and even some non-Christians. The Christians who affirm that men have free will in the libertarian sense are Arminians, Molinists, and Open Theists. Christians who deny free will in the libertarian sense...

Modern Thinkers Increasingly Confirm a Designed Universe

By Joel Furches The idea that the universe might bear some marks of design has traditionally been denied in academic circles. Evolutionary Biologist Richard Dawkins has famously stated that: “The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect...

Debating Atheists: Arrival of Evil (Part 4/5)

By Dan Grossenbach Understanding evil reveals an important part of reality. As much as we try to avoid it, evil is part of the universal human condition – something theists and atheists both have in common. You may be surprised, however; that the way atheists think...

Right Behavior. Does It Exist?

By Michael C. Sherrard How do you know if your idea of right behavior is truer than mine? I ask, of course, because nearly every day I’m confronted, as are you I'm sure, by someone who insists that they are right and I wrong about how to live. Arguing is native; it’s...

Who Wrote the Letter of James?

By Bryan Chilton As you know, we have been examining the authorship of the New Testament letters over the past few weeks. Thus far, we have learned that good reasons exist to accept the apostles Matthew and John as authors of the First and Fourth Gospels; John Mark as...

Why Apologetics Won’t Work

By Dan Grossenbach If apologetics is so great and its arguments compelling, why isn’t everyone convinced of Christianity? This is where the doctrine of election debate between Calvinists and Arminians normally comes in, but I think both sides are overlooking a simpler...

Do Your Kids Know Why They Should WANT God to Exist?

By Natasha Crain I’ve written over 250 blog posts here since 2011. People still come across my old posts by searching for something on Google, so nearly every day I receive new comments on a wide variety of old posts. Many of the comments are from atheists. As I read...

So you say you want a Revolution, what about Romans 13?

By Steve Williams Many Christians believe that the first section of Romans 13 – verses 1-7 — forbids any form of resistance to government… even when it clearly goes tyrannical. If one analyzes this passage of the Bible carefully, however, as The USA’s founding fathers...

Skeptics Can’t Have It Both Ways

By Brent Hardaway Former L.A. County District Attorney and agnostic Vince Bugliosi believes that the problem of evil is fatal to believing in Christianity. “I’m an agnostic only on the issue of whether there is a God, a supernatural being who created the universe. I’m...

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies with you. Blessings, J. Whiddon 1071 HEAVEN “When Fred arrived at the...

What About God of the Gaps?

By Brent Hardaway If you present the cosmological or design arguments to skeptics at least a few times, it’s extremely likely that you’ll hear the words “That’s a ‘God of the gaps’ argument.” This objection is rooted in the idea that because a number of things...

Why Is The Image of God So Important?

By Luke Nix Introduction Those who follow this blog are aware that I not only defend "mere" Christianity, but I also defend specifics in the Christian worldview. As I have written before, I believe that if a Christian is defending an incorrect detail of their...

Unholy Benefits of Atheism

By Rajkumar Richard Examining atheism from the vantage point of Christianity motivates a Christian to ask two questions. First, “what would I gain if I convert to atheism?” Second, “is there any value to the benefits stockpiled from atheism?” What would I gain if I...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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