By Brian Huffling I first heard about Dr. Norman L. Geisler when I was in high school. I bought his When Skeptics Ask. I glossed over it but thought it was beyond me. During my senior year of...

By Brian Huffling I first heard about Dr. Norman L. Geisler when I was in high school. I bought his When Skeptics Ask. I glossed over it but thought it was beyond me. During my senior year of...
By Josh Klein Previously, we looked at the dichotomy between what it means to declare homosexual activity a sin and how those who believe in Christian orthodoxy deal with it. We addressed the...
By Natasha Crain My blog and podcast have been quiet since April because I was finishing writing my new book, Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture. Faithfully...
By Jason Jimenez All this talk about more equity in our institutions seems like a good thing, right? Not so fast. On the surface, equity seems to be fair, just, and impartial. But upon further...
By Wintery Knight Dennis Prager features a lot of discussions about male-female relationships on his show, particularly during the male-female hour. I think this is one of the parts of his show that...
By Elliott Crozat Introduction Why the case against abortion is weak, ethically speaking is an engaging article on an issue often confined to academic journals.[1] I am grateful for the report,...
By Wintery Knight We were having a discussion about whether the Bible teaches that sex before marriage is morally wrong, and someone said “impure thoughts counts as adultery… there isn’t a virgin...
By Jason Jimenez Biden, the 46th president, is America’s second Catholic President. The first was John F. Kennedy—when he became President in 1961. From the start of his campaign, Biden wanted...
By Wintery Knight I think it’s important for American Christians to learn lessons about what happens to religious liberty by looking at what happens to Christians in other times and places when...
By Luke Nix "While We All Want to Believe That We Are Committed to Truth Rather Than A Narrative, Our Actions In Conversation—How We Mistreat Evidence, Mischaracterize Opposing Views And Arguments,...
By Natasha Crain Never have I written an article title that sounds less intuitive. Don’t we need to be concerned about our witness to the world? Isn’t that implied in the Great Commission? Shouldn’t...
Joshua Philipp of the Epoch Times recently interviewed me on how religion, particularly Christianity, is being twisted to support political agendas. Josh asks excellent questions in this...
By Karsten Friske The idea of protesting in an attempt to garner support to make a moral change is not new. With each movement, there exists a side that champions a series of issues and a...
By Fazale Rana At last. There is light at the end of the tunnel. The ride has been long and dark. And there is still a ways to go before we exit to the other side, but we will arrive there soon. The...
By Frank Turek & Lucas Miles Only in the twisted ethos of today’s Christian Left is a maskless man considered a cold-hearted murderer, while an abortionist is celebrated as a heroic social...
By Frank Turek & Lucas Miles As only the second Catholic to hold the office, President Joe Biden continued a nearly 70-year-old tradition by addressing America during the National Prayer...
By Jason Jiménez Christians can get so worked up over politics that they can sometimes blow their witness. Sadly, this is something we see more frequently on social media. It seems like no matter...
By Frank Turek & Lucas Miles After four years of accusing conservatives of violating the First Amendment by attempting to establish an American theocracy, the conclave of the Christian Left...
By Richard Land I cannot help but think that a large majority of American citizens are very, very concerned about the current state of our union. The increasing hostility and political protests that...
By Natasha Crain There’s been a sad fallout among Christians now that the election chaos has (mostly) come to an end and a new administration is taking over: Christians are shaming other Christians...
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