Por Alisa Childers Nos acercamos a una época del año en la que se celebra la resurrección de un niño nacido de una virgen al que los seguidores llamaron "Buen Pastor" y "Mesías". Tuvo doce...

Por Alisa Childers Nos acercamos a una época del año en la que se celebra la resurrección de un niño nacido de una virgen al que los seguidores llamaron "Buen Pastor" y "Mesías". Tuvo doce...
Erik Manning is the creative force behind the YouTube channel Testify, which is an educational channel built to help inspire people’s confidence in the text of the New Testament and the truth of the...
by Tony Williams Perhaps you, like me, have had the experience of being stopped by a police officer for a traffic offense such as speeding. I recall well the feeling of burning anger that the...
Why do we study apologetics? To win arguments? No! The ultimate goal is to know God personally (not just with head knowledge) and to make Him known. After all, if we just believe that God exists,...
Por Al Serrato El objetivo de la apologética cristiana es "defender" la fe, y el objetivo de la fe es proclamar las buenas nuevas de la salvación al mundo. Salvación, naturalmente, significa...
By Josh Klein The Four Horsemen of atheism stormed the cultural, philosophical, and spiritual scene in the early 21st Century. Their dogmatic atheistic positions (or even anti-theist depending on...
By Ryan Leasure This article will consider the differences among the modern translations. Translation Theory Have you ever wondered why Bible translations differ from one another? For example, some...
Would you have stood up against slavery in the 1860s? Or against Nazi Germany in the 1930s? What about your pastor? It seems the Church today is more interested in being politically correct than...
Por Brian G. Chilton Durante casi diez años, he tenido el honor de ofrecerles razones para creer en la resurrección de Jesús. Ahora me encuentro al final de una licenciatura en estudios teológicos y...
By Natasha Crain I had a revelation last week that, in retrospect, was many years overdue. So overdue that it borders on embarrassing to admit this was a revelation in 2022. Here it is: Mainstream...
Do recent scientific discoveries make belief in God unnecessary or implausible? A recent survey, cited by Dr. Stephen C. Meyer of the Discovery Institute, shows that recent scientific theories about...
Por Maggie Hendrick La apologética, cuando se hace con gentileza y respeto (1 Pedro 3:15), es beneficiosa en la evangelización, ya que vemos que el Espíritu Santo la utiliza una y otra vez en las...
by Melissa Dougherty Many believe that all humans are born children of God. Is this true? I want to examine the Bible's words about this beautiful theological truth. Spoiler alert- It’s true....
By Al Serrato In my last post, I tried to make the case that God neither “needs” nor “demands” our praise. I acknowledged that he does, however, expect it, because praise naturally flows to a...
How do you reason with people who don't want to reason? Is it even possible? How do you respond when those you love say that reason and evidence are just power plays to support your "oppressive"...
Por Cathryn Buse Antes de tener hijos, trabajé como ingeniero de sistemas en la NASA en el Centro de Vuelo Espacial Marshall en Huntsville, AL. A lo largo de mi carrera, conocí a muchos científicos...
By Josh Klein What is a Woman? Seems like an easy enough question to answer, but these days, apparently, it’s a stumper! Conservative commentator, author, and part-time Virginian, Matt Walsh...
By Jonathan McLatchie This past weekend, I had the privilege of participating in a moderated panel debate with my friends Dr. Shabir Ally, Yusuf Ismail, and Samuel Green. The topic was focused...
Do you ever feel like you're on complete information overload? Don't know where to turn for help while dealing with all the bad ideas that are being thrown at you from social media? Should we be...
Por Mike Taylor ¿Alguna vez has visto la vida de alguien en las redes sociales y te has preguntado cómo puede hacer todo lo que hace? Vemos a personas en Instagram que se toman vacaciones, compran...
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