By Michael C. Sherrard You can have respectful and persuasive conversations about controversial issues like politics, morality, and even religion if you check your P.U.L.S.E. When you feel yourself...

By Michael C. Sherrard You can have respectful and persuasive conversations about controversial issues like politics, morality, and even religion if you check your P.U.L.S.E. When you feel yourself...
by Rajkumar Richard You may have encountered and engaged these claims, “Christianity is intolerant!” and “Christianity is exclusive!” The other religions are allegedly tolerant and hence, inclusive....
By Evan Minton This is part 9 in a blog post series on the historical evidence for Jesus' resurrection. In parts 3, 4, 5, and 6, we've seen powerful historical evidence that (1) Jesus died by Roman...
By Wintery Knight You might remember Peter Millican from the debate he had with William Lane Craig. I ranked that debate as one of the 3 best I have ever seen, along with the first Craig vs. Dacey...
by Natasha Crain I grew up mostly in non-denominational churches, with a Baptist church or two thrown in. For all intents and purposes, my understanding of the world was that there were two types...
by Ryan Leasure I can still hear Al Michael’s voice in the background, “Do you believe in miracles?!?!” The United States victory over the heavily favored Russian hockey team in the 1980 Winter...
By J. Brian Huffling God is not a moral being and often the way the moral argument is used is just wrong. What I mean by the former is that God does not abide by moral commands, nor does he fulfill...
By Timothy Fox In my last article, I compared superhero origin stories to the beginning of the universe. Every superhero needs an origin story, and so does the universe. We need a reason why it...
By Timothy Fox Every superhero has an origin story. Spider-man was bitten by a radioactive spider. Batman’s parents were murdered before his very eyes as a child. Superman’s parents sent him on a...
by Al Serrato “Avast yer jabberin, ya bunch a bilge rats!” The voice sounded strange as it reached into the hallway. The speaker was apparently trying to make a point. “Yer division a booty must be…...
by Evan Minton This is part 8 in a blog post series on the historical evidence for Jesus' resurrection. In parts 3, 4, 5, and 6 of this series, we've seen powerful historical evidence that (1)...
By Luke Nix Introduction The time is coming soon for a new chapter of our children's lives to begin: college life. This can be quite an apprehensive time for both Christian parents and the teens....
By Mikel Del Rosario Is the Bible really from God? I just did a workshop on this very topic for about sixty 5th and 6th graders at Bayside Church in Granite Bay, CA. I wanted to help Christian kids...
By Terrell Clemmons It’s probably not what you think. Saving Truth on Human Sexuality “Sorry if this is off topic,” the young woman stammered into the microphone, “but, um, I’ve searched for...
by Evan Minton This is part 6 in a blog post series (and eventually, free Kindle book) on the evidence for Jesus' resurrection. In parts 3, 4, 5, and 6 we saw that powerful historical evidence...
By Marcia Montenegro The Trinity may be a rather neglected doctrine in the church today, even seen as secondary by many. In this article, we’ll consider some of the responses from Christians and...
By Michael Sherrard According to recent research, the coming generations have no use for Christianity anymore. I’m sure you’ve seen what these sociological studies have found: the younger the...
By Ken Mann Think Week: The Foundations of Science Found in Christian Theism, 3 We have been considering five presuppositions of science and how they can be explained by Christian theism. In the...
by Evan Minton This is part 6 in a blog post series on the evidence for the historicity of Jesus' resurrection. The Minimal Facts Case for the resurrection of Jesus is what I've been defending the...
By Ken Mann The following is was delivered as a plenary session at a Biola on the Road conference in April 2017 at Faith Bible Church in Houston Texas. Introduction Charles Darwin. Evolution....
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