Brit Hume boldly suggests Tiger Woods, who considers himself more of a Buddhist, become a Christian because Christianity offers forgiveness. Some Buddhists object. Here's what Stephen Prothero, a...
Everyone Believes Something Unbelievable
Virgin birth. Abiogenesis. Resurrection from the dead. Random mutations producing the raw material for new organs. Intelligent creation ex nihilo. Eternal matter. Eternal mind. Heaven. Multiverses....
CIA: Your Chance to Make an Impact with Christian Apologetics
If you have some expertise in the area of Christian Apologetics, we are looking for instructors to help us take I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist to students and churches around the...
Suffering and Evil: Can God do anything?
Can God do Anything? Can he create a stone so big that he cannot move it? Part 1 In a response to one of our readers, I said that God cannot do anything. The reader responded? “Then what about...
Is the Supernatural Impossible?
Is the Supernatural Impossible? (Arthur C.) Clarke's Third Law: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. When I talk to individuals who do not believe in God or even...
Why Don’t People Believe in Miracles?
Lee Strobel has put up several short video clips of some of my presentations on his website. Click here for a clip on Why Don't People Believe in Miracles? By the way, has hundreds of...