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4 Key Points Christian Kids Need to Understand About Evolution

4 Key Points Christian Kids Need to Understand About Evolution

By Natasha Crain The other day, I saw a post on Facebook from a mom who was concerned because her teenage daughter was turning away from God after learning about evolution. The mom was ...
Why Are You a Christian?

Why Are You a Christian?

By Tim Stratton Why are you a Christian? As a full-time church youth pastor and a part-time adjunct professor at a Christian college, I like to ask this question to all of my students. In ...
14 Ways for Christian Parents to Teach Kids about Atheism

14 Ways for Christian Parents to Teach Kids about Atheism

By Natasha Crain I suppose this a funny title for a post on a Christian parenting blog! But, as I often explain, we can no longer teach our kids about Christianity in a silo and expect them to ...
Scalia Defended Democracy: Liberals Subvert It

Scalia Defended Democracy: Liberals Subvert It

“I write separately to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy,” wrote Justice Scalia in his dissent from last year’s Supreme Court decision, where five unelected judges ...
Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 8: Two Final Methods and Conclusion)

Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 8: Two Final Methods and Conclusion)

By Brian Chilton For the past several weeks, we have been investigating how the historical Jesus of Nazareth fares by being tested by the traditional historical method. Before wrapping up our ...
The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies ...


By Tim Stratton Does objective truth apply to morality? This question has major ramifications depending on how you answer it, because it ultimately asks, “DOES GOD EXIST?” We can see this ...
Why Your Kids Can Spend 600-Plus Hours in Church and Not Get Much Out of It

Why Your Kids Can Spend 600-Plus Hours in Church and Not Get Much Out of It

By Natasha Crain The other day I was reflecting on how much time I spent in Sunday school and youth groups growing up…and how little I understood about the Christian faith by the time I left ...
Free From God

Free From God

By Timothy Fox I recall an online conversation I had with a skeptic about spiritual things. To gain some clarification, I asked if he was an atheist or agnostic. His response? “I’m free!” ...
Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 7: Eyewitness Testimony–The Gospel Witnesses)

Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 7: Eyewitness Testimony–The Gospel Witnesses)

By Brian Chilton Last week, we discussed the eyewitness testimony for Jesus by demonstrating the validity of the Gospel records. Such an endeavor was important to establish particular ...
3 Perspectives Every Child Needs for Their Spiritual Journey

3 Perspectives Every Child Needs for Their Spiritual Journey

By Natasha Crain I’m not a big TV watcher. In fact, the only guilty TV pleasure I have is watching Dateline NBC. I’m fascinated by the true crime stories and seeing how seemingly typical ...
Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 6: Eyewitness Testimony–The Case for the Gospels)

Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 6: Eyewitness Testimony–The Case for the Gospels)

By Brian Chilton As we have engaged in our evaluation of Jesus according to the historical method, my previous articles have demonstrated that the historical Jesus passes the historical method ...
Dead Things Don’t Grow

Dead Things Don’t Grow

Author’s Note: The debate discussed in this blog post can be seen at the bottom article. Many who hold the pro-choice position subscribe to a postmodern worldview. They are not arguing that ...
The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies ...
50 Recommended Apologetics Resources for Christian Parents

50 Recommended Apologetics Resources for Christian Parents

By Natasha Crain At the end of my last post (If Your Kids Are Someday Shocked by the Claims of Skeptics, You Didn’t Do Your Job), I promised to follow up with a “master list” of my ...
Don’t judge me. Why Not? Because Jesus said so!

Don’t judge me. Why Not? Because Jesus said so!

By Timothy Fox When you study to be an educator, you have to spend a certain number of hours as a student teacher, under the guidance of a veteran teacher. I remember my cooperating teacher ...
Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 5-Early Testimony: Early New Testament Texts)

Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 5-Early Testimony: Early New Testament Texts)

By Brian Chilton This article picks up where the last article left off. We continue our glimpse at the early testimony for Jesus of Nazareth. The Argument for the Early Dating of the ...
If Your Kids Are Someday Shocked by the Claims of Skeptics, You Didn’t Do Your Job

If Your Kids Are Someday Shocked by the Claims of Skeptics, You Didn’t Do Your Job

By Natasha Crain Popular Christian rapper Jahaziel made the news when he released a statement renouncing his faith (you can read the full message here). As I read his statement, I was really ...
8 Ways that Anti-Intellectualism is Harming the Church

8 Ways that Anti-Intellectualism is Harming the Church

By Brian Chilton  When asked to identify the greatest commandment in all of the Law, Jesus answered the inquiry by saying, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and ...
Euthyphro Is Dead!

Euthyphro Is Dead!

By Timothy Fox It’s the zombie argument. The objection that won’t stay down: the Euthyphro dilemma. Skeptics just can’t accept the fact that Euthyphro has been dead for centuries and keep ...

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