Have you ever wondered where Christmas traditions come from? Better yet, is there any CHRISTIAN truth to these traditions, or are they all rooted in paganism? And what's the deal with Santa Claus? Where did he come from and how did he become such a legend in the...
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Making Sense of Christmas
The Christmas season has a way of quickening the senses, doesn’t it? The taste of a kiss under a mistletoe tree, the flavor of nursing steamed Ghirardelli hot chocolate, or the sheer ecstasy of biting into that freshly made batch of flaky peanut brittle. Then there...
Is Christmas Pagan?
Tree decorating. Repetitive Christmas music on the radio. Sleigh bells ringing. Chestnuts burning. (Like, what does this even mean? Do people actually do this?) And the incessant cyber throat-punching over Christians who celebrate Christmas are actually celebrating an...
Christmas: The Cure For Our Two-Storied World
By Bob Perry Even people who don’t celebrate Christmas seem to know what it’s about — the birth of a Savior who comes to rescue us from the consequences of our rebellion against Him. Ultimately, that means it’s part of God’s rescue plan and where we go when we die....
The Miracle of Christmas
By Al Serrato Later this week, Christians throughout the world will celebrate the birth of the Savior. But to the growing number of atheists, this celebration makes little sense. Having accepted the materialist’s view of reality, they have limited themselves to...
A Dragon at Christmas
By Ryan Leasure “Away in a manger no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head. The stars in the sky looked down where he lay, the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes. But little Lord Jesus no crying he...
The Fascinating Origin of Christmas Traditions | with Bill Federer
How did we go from the birth of Jesus to Santa, stockings, reindeer, the North Pole, Christmas trees, and Kris Kringle? Does any of this come from Christianity or real-world historical events? The surprising answer is "YES" (well, much of it anyway)! Join Frank as he...
Why Grace is the True Meaning of Christmas
What is the true meaning of Christmas? As Christians, we know it has little to do with trees, presents, and reindeer. But what is it really about? Why is there a Christmas at all? Frank goes to an unlikely place to highlight why Christmas exists — the book of...
The Christmas Story – Beyond Apologetics
By Mikel Del Rosario Experiencing the Christmas Story Every December, I see a couple of approaches to Jesus’ birth on Christian blogs: Articles that approach the Christmas story from the perspective of “How Jesus came to Earth,” looking at it in light of what the...
Are Christmas Traditions Really Christian?
Now, this is an episode you CANNOT miss! A Christmas episode about Christmas traditions with the brilliant William J. Federer. Frank and Bill talk about, Santa Claus (the real one), why the use of Xmas instead of Christmas, why celebrating Christ birth on December...
60 Christmas Gift Ideas for Christian Kids and Adults
By Natasha Crain I’ve recently had a lot of people asking for recommendations for Christmas gift ideas, for both kids and adults, so I’ve put together this detailed list of my top picks! They are almost all books, but there are a few other ideas as well. Gift ideas...
Bart Ehrman & the God of Christmas
By Tim Stratton One of the most well-known New Testament scholars to graduate from Moody Bible Institute is Bart Ehrman. He has a powerful influence on many young minds today as he is a professor at the University of North Carolina and has written many bestsellers...
Five Reasons You Can Trust the Story of Christmas Is True (Free Bible Insert)
Detectives create lists. As a cold-case detective, I’m no different. When investigating an event in the distant past (in my case, an unsolved murder), I collect evidence, make lists and do my best to reach the most reasonable inference. When I began to investigate...
Resolving Christmas Conundrums
By Evan Minton Christmas is one of my favorite holidays and has been for as long as I've walked this Earth. As a kid, it was because I got a boatload of toys on Christmas morning that I got to play with as Mom and Dad prepared Christmas dinner for us and the rest of...
Did Messianic prophecy inspire the Christmas story?
By Tim McGrew One of the favorite targets of destructive biblical criticism is the narrative of Jesus’ birth in the first two chapters of Matthew. One distinctive feature of Matthew’s account makes it a particularly tempting target. Matthew’s theological agenda is...
A Logical Christmas Message
By Tim Stratton John 1:1-14 states “In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made…. And the Word became...
5 Apologetics Questions Every Christian Should Learn How to Answer: Christmas Edition
By Alisa Childers In a previous post, I offered quick answers to 5 apologetics questions that I think every Christian should be familiar with. With many misconceptions and misunderstandings about Christmas, here are 5 Christmas-themed questions with "barebones" quick...
Merry Christmas from Newsweek!
As has become common around Christian holidays, another media outlet has issued what I think can rightly be called an attack piece. Newsweek rolled out a cover story for this week’s edition that attacks the Bible and the warrant for trusting that we even know what it...
The Eclipse of Christmas
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned – Isaiah 9:2 On March 19th 2007 the earth experienced one of the most fantastic and amazing events in the heavens – a total eclipse of the sun!...
How to Reach Your Non-Christian Relatives this Christmas
It’s going to happen again this year. You’re going to get together with a bunch of people who would rather talk about anything but Jesus. What can you do to reach them? Face it. You’re probably not going to get them to accept Jesus by the end of dinner. A direct...