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Captain America & the Moral Argument

By Joel Furches The Marvel Movie franchise is arguably the most epic enterprise in movie history. The series has a number of stand-out characters; however, two stand out more than the others. In fact, their differences stand in such firm relief so as to culminate in a...

Christianity is not a sitting religion

By Michael Sherrard  Will you go? Will you do more than just learn? Will you act upon your desire to persuade others that Jesus is the messiah? You need to wrestle with this. You need to decide if you are going to be one that takes our Lord’s mercy and grace to others...

When Is It Time To Leave Gentleness And Respect Behind?

By Michael Sherrard I am sickened by Planned Parenthood. They are exploiting women for profit all in the name of equality and empowerment. Selling the body parts of aborted fetus’ should disgust all and bring to mind horrific images of some futuristic dystopia. If...

Did Jesus Even Claim to Be God?

By J. Brian Huffling I sat down with some Jehovah’s Witnesses who were visiting with me. The elder who was leading our study stated that Jesus never claimed to be God. Jehovah’s Witnesses argue that Jesus is a created being. Liberal “Christians” argue that Jesus never...


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The UnAborted Truth

Frank interviews one of the most controversial and brilliant defenders of freedom of speech and the right to life, Dr. Mike S. Adams. This fearless UNCW professor defends truth amidst tons of opposition wherever he goes. Make sure you listen to this podcast. In this...

Why The Apocrypha Isn’t In The Bible

By Ryan Leasure I’ve had more than a few conversations about the Apocrypha. From my experience, this group of a dozen Jewish books written between the Old and New Testaments (400 BC-AD 50) perplexes most Christians. A couple of reasons exist for this confusion. First,...

Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed

Once upon a time there was a version of our faith that was practically . . . irresistible. But that was then. Today we preach, teach, write, and communicate as if nothing has changed.  As if “The Bible says it,” still settles it. It’s time to hit pause on much of what...

Worldviews Shaping Culture: Can You Name America’s Top 3?

By Mikel del Rosario You’ve got a worldview. Everyone does. What’s a worldview? It’s everything you believe about what’s real and what really matters in life. Ronald Nash defines it like this in his book, Worldviews In Conflict: A worldview is a set of presuppositions...

Book Review: The Creator Revealed

By Luke Nix Introduction Today I am excited to bring you a review of a book that I have been anticipating for a little over a year and a half. In January 2017 particle physicist and University of Oklahoma professor, Dr. Michael G. Strauss (check out...

Why are there so many denominations?

There's a lot of confusion both inside and outside Christian circles regarding the multitude of Christian denominations. Some even use that fact as an argument against Christianity. How should we answer when someone asks We often hear people asking the following...

Determining the Apologetic Starting Point

By Brian Chilton I am fully immersed in a fantastic course describing apologetic methods. I have been engaged in apologetics since 2007. But, I never realized that there were so many various methodologies employed. One of the most off-putting of the methodologies that...

Did Jesus Exist?

By Evan Minton I don’t know why, but 99% of the atheists I talk to on the internet hold the ludicrous position that Jesus never existed. Now, they’re atheists. I expect them not to believe in the divinity of Jesus. How could they? If they did, they wouldn’t be...

What is the Difference Between Absolute and Relative Truth?

By Natasha Crain (This is one of 40 key questions I address in my new book, Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side: 40 Conversations to Help Them Build a Lasting Faith. If you’re a parent, grandparent, church educator, or other special person in the spiritual life of a...

Can Empathy Ground Morality?

By Timothy Fox One of the most powerful arguments for the existence of God is the moral argument. Basically, an objective moral law requires a Moral Lawgiver. But many skeptics still aren’t convinced. They claim that they don’t need God or some holy book to tell them...

My Debate with Dr. Michael Shermer

Does belief in God make sense of the world? Or does reality itself point to God’s absence? Is God real or is he a product of human minds? These were some of the questions we discuss during my debate with Dr. Michael Shermer in San Jose California this past Friday,...

How do we know God exists? Is the Old Testament binding?

Some say there's no evidence for God, we can't see him, we can't use any type of scientific test to prove he exists, so how can we know this? Frank answer that question and then dives deep to answer questions related to the differences between the Old and the New...

Predestination vs Free Will

Have you been sending your questions to so Frank can answer them on this podcast? If not, why not? Here's this week's main question: How can we have freedom of the will if God is completely sovereign?    

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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