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Colossians 2:8 Does Not Condemn Philosophy

By Evan Minton  Some well-meaning but very misinformed Christians discourage the study of philosophy on the basis of a verse in Colossians chapter 2. In Colossians 2:8, the apostle Paul wrote: "See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit,...

What I Learned About Faith While Thinking I Had Cancer This Week

By Natasha Crain A few days ago I felt a rather large, firm lump on my body. My first reaction was, “What on Earth is that?”… followed closely by, “Oh my gosh. This could be it.” Honestly, I started to panic. I know I’m at a higher risk for certain types of cancer and...

Is it wrong to impose religious beliefs in politics?

Frank thoroughly examines a comment by Rachel Bird posted on the New York Times comments section of Tim Keller's latest article. He dissects the comment and answers the following question: Is it wrong to impose religious beliefs in politics? Here's the comment by...

“How Would You Respond to This?”

By Timothy Fox Once people discover that you’re a Christian thinker, they often start coming to you with all of the objections they hear: “The Bible is hopelessly corrupt.” “Jesus never existed.” “Science disproves God.” Your friends will offer you the objections and...

Why the pulpit must be political

By Michael Sherrard  With all that is going on in the world, my church doesn't need to be entertained. They need to be trained. We are not in a time of peace. While we creatively plan the stage design for our next sermon series, another group is setting the stage for...

Dealing with the “Who Created God” Objection

By J. Brian Huffling It never fails. Offer an argument for God’s existence and almost invariably you will hear, “Well, who created God?” With some arguments, this may be a legitimate objection. I have argued elsewhere that philosophical proofs for God’s existence are...

Does Modern Science Disprove Miracles?

By Ryan Leasure Back in less civilized times, people believed lightning storms meant the gods were upset with them. An eclipse indicated God was about to bring judgment. Lack of rain meant the people needed to get right with their god. But we’ve moved on from all that...

Daddy, Can I Kill It?

If your back was turned when your child asked, “Daddy (or Mommy), can I kill it?”  What would be your first question? What is it? A spider?  Sure.  Your baby sister?  No. Many of the problems in our culture stem from the fact that many people fail to correctly answer...

Did Jesus Appeal To Evidence When Reaching Out To Skeptics?

By Wintery Knight Investigation in progress. From Eric Chabot of Ratio Christi – Ohio State University. He lists eight ways that Jesus makes his case. Here’s one of the ways: Jesus Appealed to Evidence Jesus knew He could not show up on the scene and not offer any...

Respectfully Engaging with Muslims

By Mikel Del Rosario Engaging with Muslims Respectful engagement takes courage and compassion Let’s talk about respectfully engaging with Muslims. Being an ambassador for Christ means more than just defending what’s true. It also means loving people well. The more we...

Doubting Toward Faith

Let’s face it—we all have doubts, and those doubts can lead to confusion and hopelessness. Contrary to popular belief, doubt is not the opposite of faith. Rather, doubts call for an important decision—will you give in to unbelief, or will you continue the journey...

Book Review: Always Be Ready – A Call To Adventurous Faith

By Luke Nix Introduction Astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross is a well-known voice in the scientific and evangelical Christian communities for his scientific defenses of the Christian worldview. Over the last few decades, he has written incredible books powerfully defending...

Theologies that John Chapter One Combats

By Brian Chilton The Gospel of John has been one of my favorite Gospels since I first started studying the Bible. The Gospel of John is theologically rich as well as historically accurate. One of the important sections of John’s Gospel is found in its opening chapter....

¿Existió Jesús?

Por Evan Minton No sé por qué, pero el 99% de los ateos con los que hablo por Internet sostienen la posición ridícula de que Jesús jamás existió. Pero bueno, son ateos. No espero que crean en la divinidad de Jesús. ¿Cómo podrían hacerlo? Si así fuera, no serían ateos....

Naturaleza humana según Darwin – una respuesta cristiana

Por Ken Mann Lo siguiente fue entregado como sesión plenaria en una conferencia de Biola on the Road en abril de 2017 en Faith Bible Church en Houston, Texas. Introducción Charles Darwin. Evolución. Tal vez ningún otro hombre ni ninguna otra idea haya tenido una...

Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence?

By Evan Minton  Sometimes, in conversations with atheists, they try to say that “Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence” Are they right? One problem with this statement is that it could possibly be self-defeating. Think about it, the claim itself, to say...

Problems with Progressive Christianity

From Christian recording artist to daring defender of the faith, Alisa Childers shares her experience with the "Progressive Christianity" movement. She shares with Frank why she wants to raise awareness about this dangerous and toxic view of Christianity. In this...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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