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Philosophy Is for Everyone

By Colin Burgess “Philosophy is everybody’s business.” – J. Mortimer Adler. Aristotle opened his opus on philosophy, The Metaphysics, with, “All men by nature desire to know.” Nothing could be truer; when one begins to ask the ‘why’ questions, one is taking...

La Deidad de Jesús no es una leyenda tardía

Como no creyente, sospeché que las historias sobre Jesús se volvían más elaboradas y grandiosas con el paso del tiempo. Por eso era tan importante para mí leer los primeros documentos relacionados con Jesús; esperaba que los relatos iniciales retrataran a Jesús como...

Why Everyone Believes in Borders

Do you have locks on your doors? How about on your car? Got a fence so your kids can play safely? The truth is everyone believes in secure borders. In fact, life would be impossible without them. As long as human nature is what it is—bent toward evil—borders will be...

Lowder’s Comments to My Assessment of His Debate with Turek

By Jacobus Erasmus In 2016, Jeffery Jay Lowder[1] debated Frank Turek on the topic Naturalism vs theism. See here: In early 2017, I wrote two articles in which I assess Lowder’s opening statement (see here and here). It was brought to my attention that Lowder recently...

Phelim McAleer & Ann McElhinney: Journalists Worthy of the Name

By Terrell Clemmons Phelim McAleer was in Pennsylvania in early 2013 doing a series of screenings of his film FrackNation. As he often did when travelling, he checked the local paper for interesting court cases underway, and a case concerning a doctor in Philadelphia...

Book Review: God’s Crime Scene for Kids

By Luke Nix Introduction Several years ago, cold-case homicide detective J. Warner Wallace wrote the book "God's Crime Scene" where he details his investigation, as an atheist, into the evidence for God's existence. In the book, he explains that investigating the...

How To Become a Self-Taught Apologist

By Evan Minton  You've just been introduced to Christian Apologetics and have discovered that there are many good arguments and evidence that demonstrate that Christianity is true. However, you're not sure that you're smart enough, have enough free time, or have the...

Does Religion Really Matter in America?

  The latest Gallup poll shows a continuing decline of religious influence in America. A dramatic shift has taken place in America related to the way we view religious beliefs. Hidden in the data from the Gallup research lies a clue to the reason for this change...

If it Feels Right it must Be Right… Right?

By Jeremy Linn How could something that feels so right be called immoral? That is basically the question Imagine Dragons singer Dan Reynolds proposed on a recent interview on the Ellen Show. In the interview, Dan talked about his upbringing as a Mormon and his...

A Quick History Lesson

By Nick Peters Objection: The Bible is a compendium of fireside tales and fables recounted orally for generations by goat herders and primitive tribes from the stone age until writing was invented, and then again many different sources, transliterations, and versions...

True for you but not for me? Plus More Q&A!

  Frank continues to answer questions from you, our amazing audience! He got the following question via email "Yesterday, I had a discussion with a friend who is a postmodernist. He believes in the statement, “it’s true for you, but not for me.” I pulled up the...

Why You, Yes You, Need to Defend What Is True

By Michael Sherrard  What is going on? Can you imagine if you fell into a coma and woke up in 2015?  Or if you had a Delorean and traveled from 1985 to 2015? So there’s no hoverboards, but there are computers that fit in your pocket and boys that think they are girls...

Is Isaiah 7:14 a Messianic Prophecy?

By Brian Chilton More and more scholars are becoming skeptical of Messianic prophecy in the Hebrew Bible—that is, the Old Testament. Michael Rydelniknotes that “Although evangelical scholarship still recognizes that there is something messianic about the Hebrew Bible,...

Were Jesus’ Temptations Real If He Couldn’t Sin?

By Ryan Leasure Historic Christianity affirms that Jesus Christ, though fully human, is also fully divine. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end (Rev. 22:13) — the eternal creator of all things (Jn. 1:3). The Nicene Creed (AD 325) declares of Jesus that...

Are Christmas Traditions Really Christian?

Now, this is an episode you CANNOT miss! A Christmas episode about Christmas traditions with the brilliant William J. Federer. Frank and Bill talk about, Santa Claus (the real one), why the use of Xmas instead of Christmas, why celebrating Christ birth on December...

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