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What Is The Intellectual Cost of The Pro-Choice Position?

By Luke Nix Introduction In recent months a major political and moral shift has been underway across America. The legality and morality of both infanticide and murder are actually being debated. But not under those terms. No, euphemisms are being used to obfuscate...

Abortion and the Theology of a Purposeless Life

By Brian Chilton While I am intentionally not one of the political voices of the day, I do find that many times politics crosses over into theology and vice versa. One of the more troubling news I have read is that states like New York and Virginia have either passed...

Why the Resurrection is the Best Argument for Christianity

By Robby Hall Often, people may ask how to show that Buddhism is false or what’s a good argument against Hinduism or the New Age, etc.  But in the end, one doesn’t necessarily have to argue against those worldviews as much as they need to give an argument for the...

The Clash of Christianity and Culture

Detective and apologist J. Warner Wallace hosts this episode of the Cross Examined Official Podcast. During this episode he discusses the following topics: How Media Consumption Threatens the Future of Christianity (It’s Not What You Think). Why Young Ex-Christians...

Argumentos que un cristiano no debe usar para defender su fe

Por Carlos E. Rodríguez ¡Dios les bendiga! Mi interés en este blog es proporcionar, para el cristiano, herramientas para defender su fe cristiana. Aunque, también quiero hacerle ver al ateo lo errada que está su cosmovisión, y que la existencia de Dios puede ser...

¿Cómo sabemos que Jesús realmente murió?

​Una persona que escuchó un podcast reciente ofreció la siguiente objeción: ¿Acaso los discípulos no pudieron haber estado equivocados acerca de la muerte de Jesús? Después de todo, cuando Pablo fue apedreado por los judíos de Antioquía e Iconio (en Hechos 14) ellos...

Objections to the Resurrection with Gary Habermas

Frank raises some significant objections to the resurrection of Christ, but his guest is none other than the foremost expert in the topic, Dr. Gary Habermas. Listen to Gary's answer to the following questions: • Anything is more possible than a resurrection •...

What the Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Means for Christian Parents

By Natasha Crain I was tempted to not write anything at all about the same-sex marriage ruling. So much has been written on this in the last week that I don’t see how one more person’s take could possibly be valuable [Note: this post first appeared in 2015, but it's...

Christians: Persons of Faith or Knowledge?

By Tim Stratton We expect people in positions of authority to have training and experience in their respective fields. For example, I want my pilot to have knowledge of the helicopter in which I am a passenger, just as I want my surgeon to be proficient, and...

How old is the universe and other big questions?

How old is the universe? Is it illogical for God to Create out of nothing? Did the law of cause and effect apply to the beginning of the universe? Frank answers more questions from YOU, our amazing audience. Want your questions answered during our podcast. Email Frank...

Why Should We Trust the Extra-Biblical References to Jesus?

By Jeremy Linn We received a great question on our Instagram page this week: "How do we know that the extra-biblical sources which mention Jesus are trustworthy? Josephus, Tacitus, and the rest weren't eyewitnesses; they never knew Jesus." The questioner here is...

Historical Bias, Objectivity, and the Truth of Christianity

By J. Brian Huffling “Historians are biased and choose what they report. As such, history can’t be known.” That’s a typical objection to the ability to know history. If such objections prove that we can’t know history, then we can’t know that Christianity is true...

Abortion and The God Molech

By Ryan Leasure History is filled with barbaric cultures. One of the worst, though, has to be the ancient Canaanites. As was customary in that culture, parents offered their newborn children as sacrifices to their god Molech. Most depictions of Molech include large...

The Trinity in the Old Testament

It is often assumed that the doctrine of the Trinity – the idea that there is one being of God that is comprised of three eternal and co-equal divine persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) – is something that is revealed only in the New Testament. While it is...

Why Premium Sex Is Your Best Bet for Relational Success

By Terrell Clemmons Last December, television talk-show host Meredith Vieira invited relationship expert Siggy Flicker onto her show as part of her "Ultimate Relationship Gift Guide," to help her female audience answer the big holiday question, "What do I get him?"...

The Right to all Other Rights

If you don't have this right, you don't have any other rights... thank God you are alive and able to read this podcast description which means you are enjoying the right to life. Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands are denied that right every year and millions have...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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