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The Price of Panic, with Dr. Jay Richards

What have we learned from the COVID pandemic and our response to it?  Does the data show that the lockdown worked?  What was the total human cost of the lockdown?   What steps did the media take to disseminate “panic porn”?  Why were the models so wrong?  Why do we...

The Importance of Critical Thinking

By Kathryn, V. As a Christian apologist, it is easy to take for granted the understanding that when we impart information to others, they clearly comprehend what we are talking about. Now, that may be the case with well-studied and well-versed individuals who...

The Slaughter of the Bethlehem Boys

By Ryan Leasure Moral atrocities litter the historical landscape. And this ought to make us sad. People do bad things. And they’ve been doing bad things ever since Genesis 3. It doesn’t take long for the fall to rear its ugly head in the Bible for in the very next...

Challenges to neo-Darwinian theories of development

By Julie Hannah In Article 1, “The arising of our universe: design or chance?” I discussed evidence for the design behind our finely-tuned universe, which has convinced some mainstream scientists of the existence of a transcendent Creator. Article 2, “Can living cells...

Another Gospel with Alisa Childers

There is a far deeper problem than atheism infecting the church. Alisa Childers, a Christian singer with ZOEgirl, almost got infected herself. She was challenged to renounce the true gospel and adopt another gospel—that of progressive Christianity. She joins Frank to...

Facing an Unknown Future with a Known God

By Brian Chilton This past Sunday, my family and I stopped by a local antique store after church. We were there for no reason but to check out their merchandise to see, as my wife says, “if there was anything that we couldn’t live without.” As we navigated our way...

Can living cells arise randomly from non-living chemicals?

By Julie Hannah In Article 1, “The arising of our universe: design or chance?” I discussed evidence for the design behind our finely-tuned universe, which has convinced some mainstream scientists of the existence of a transcendent Creator. In this article, I present...

How We Can Know Who Created the Universe

By Al Serrato It is difficult to overstate the importance of the discovery of the Big Bang. After all, even without sophisticated philosophical arguments, most people intuitively recognize that all things that come into existence must have some preceding cause...

Every Black Life Matters

What is critical race theory? What does BLM stand for as an organization? Can Christians support it? Frank interviews Neil Mammen and Kevin McGary, co-founders of Here are some of the questions they discuss:   What is critical race theory? What is...

Was Luke Wrong about the Census?

By Ryan Leasure One of the more challenging texts in the Gospels is Luke’s reference to the census. We read in Luke 2:1-5: In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration when Quirinius was...

The arising of our Universe: Design or Chance?

By Julie Hannah How likely is it that our universe is the result of random physical operations? Scientists point out that shaping the universe into its present form required a very precise balance of many finely-tuned physical constants such as these: Gravitational...

Why is our Country Split?

Why can’t two men running for President debate respectfully?  Maybe it’s because our entire culture—which includes you and me—can’t debate respectfully.  Why can’t we?  Way back in 1978, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, the Russian dissident, and author...

What If God Is Removed From The American Equation?

By Luke Nix Warnings To A Godless Society Earlier this year, I highlighted the warnings of rejecting God, coming from the mouth of an atheist. Richard Dawkins saw the moral degradation of world society and couldn't help to understand that the world's rejection of...

Do the Genealogies of Jesus Contradict?

By Ry Leasure If you’ve read through the gospels, you’ve probably noticed that they share much in common. In some places, the wording is exactly the same. In other places, they’re so different it looks like they might contradict. These similarities and differences are...

Reaching Gen Z with Dr. Sean McDowell

Are you having trouble reaching your children—elementary school through college—with the truth of Christianity?  If so, maybe it’s because you haven’t considered what really motivates Gen Z.  Dr. Sean McDowell joins Frank to discuss How to Reach and Equip Gen Z, which...

Who Cares About Philosophy?

By Brian Huffling What do these questions have in common: Does God exist? Can God change? Does God know our future? How can a good God allow evil? How do humans know? What does it mean to know? What does it mean to be good? Can we objectively interpret the Bible? The...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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