By Erik Manning I used to love sharing the minimal facts with unbelievers. It’s easy to present in a few minutes and sounds rhetorically powerful. When I tell my friends that the facts I’m sharing...

By Erik Manning I used to love sharing the minimal facts with unbelievers. It’s easy to present in a few minutes and sounds rhetorically powerful. When I tell my friends that the facts I’m sharing...
How is it just for God to punish people for eternity when they’ve only committed temporal sins? Isn’t that overkill? Is Hell just temporary? Is it loving for God to “send” people to Hell? Frank...
Por Brian Chilton Mientras que Dios utilizó la apologética para devolverme la fe, Dios utiliza la teología para humillarme, asombrarme y reconfortarme ante su asombrosa presencia. La teología es una...
By Natasha Crain This weekend, Saturday Night Live cast member Cecily Strong played a character called Goober the Clown who had an abortion when she was 23 and now talks to people about how normal...
By Ryan Leasure This is the second in a series of nine posts addressing the question of how we got our Bible. Last post dealt with the question of inspiration and inerrancy. This week we turn our...
Por Alisa Childers "NO DEBERÍAS JUZGAR" Hace un par de años, había un libro muy popular escrito por un autor que se declaraba cristiano. Fue publicado por una editorial cristiana y comercializado en...
Atheist Christopher Hitchens once wrote, “religion poisons everything”, and he included the Christian religion in that assessment. When you look at the behavior of some claiming to be Christians...
By Brian Chilton For the first article after having been named a Senior Contributor for, it is only appropriate to acknowledge the tremendous benefit that moral apologetics has...
By Josh Klein Lil Nas X Back to where we started. What if I told you that the issue with Lil Nas X was not his being gay, but with how he perceived the Church’s response to his being gay? He has...
Por Brian Chilton En las últimas semanas, hemos examinado varias líneas de evidencia que apoyan la noción de que Jesús literalmente resucitó de entre los muertos. Al finalizar la serie, puede...
One of the greatest myths regarding God and science is that science has somehow disproven God. The exact opposite is actually closer to the truth. If science has disproven anything, it has disproven...
By Al Serrato The Old Testament contains passages in which God is described as “jealous.” For instance, in Exodus 20, God’s Ten Commandments to the Israelites include the admonition not to worship...
Is it wrong to criticize someone’s moral or religious beliefs? Many people think so. Frank takes this assertion head on and reveals that it is self-defeating, impractical, and unbiblical. For...
Por Brian Chilton Aunque la apologética es uno de los principales objetivos de mi vida, sólo se ve eclipsada por el amor a la teología. Soy un tipo de visión general. Por eso la teología sistemática...
By Natasha Crain Last month, the CEO of video game maker Tripwire Interactive was made to step down from his job just 53 hours after he tweeted support for the new Texas abortion law (which banned...
By Josh Klein As we enter into the final section of critiquing the objections to the orthodox view of homosexual activity as a sin, it is important to note, again, why I am spending such a...
Best-selling author Eric Metaxas (Bonhoeffer, Luther, Amazing Grace, Miracles) joins Frank to reveal highlights of his new book Is Atheism Dead? Eric covers the discoveries pointing to God from...
Por Richard Howe Un rasgo distintivo del Southern Evangelical Seminary que el lector ha visto desplegado a lo largo de la argumentación de este folleto es el compromiso con la Apologética...
By Ryan Leasure This article is the first in a series of nine blog posts that will unpack the story of how we got our Bible. That is to say, the Bible didn’t just fall from heaven into our laps....
By Luke Nix Introduction If you consume a large portion of your material through audio, it is hard to get past a good deal on an excellent audio book. Twice every year runs a sale...
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