By Brian Chilton Recently, Curtis Evelo (Bellator Christi Podcast co-host) told me about a conversation he had with an individual about biblical interpretation. Apparently, the individual held that...

By Brian Chilton Recently, Curtis Evelo (Bellator Christi Podcast co-host) told me about a conversation he had with an individual about biblical interpretation. Apparently, the individual held that...
Have you ever found yourself at a loss for words when confronted by a zealous pro-choice advocate? Or maybe when a friend or co-worker started sharing their thoughts and opinions on abortion you...
Por Andrew Cabrera Hace unos años estaba en una fiesta de Navidad y alguien se acercó a mí y empezó a hablarme de mis creencias sobre Dios. En un momento de la conversación hizo la vieja pregunta:...
By Erik Manning How did Jesus see himself? As we learn about Jesus’ Jewish context in the first century, we find that he made some staggering claims. First of all, Jesus spoke constantly about God’s...
After 49 years and 63 million dead, the Supreme Court finally overturned Roe v. Wade. Do you have a constitutional right to a dead baby? Finally, the Supreme Court has answered properly… NO....
Por Richard Eng La definición bíblica de la fe es simple, sencilla y directa. Pero hay influencias tanto dentro como fuera de la iglesia que confunden la definición bíblica. Imagina la definición...
By Alisa Childers This article is in response to this piece from The Gospel Coalition. As a past TGC contributor, as an act of good faith, I did express my concerns directly to TGC before posting my...
By Bob Perry Being able to make the case for the truth of Christianity means you have to understand it yourself. There are plenty of resources out there that can help you do that. I always try to...
Are you ready to laugh and think your way through a timely update of a classic tale? Kyle Mann, editor-in-chief of The Babylon Bee, joins Frank to discuss his new book, The Postmodern Pilgrim's...
Por Brian Chilton En una clase reciente en la Universidad Liberty, se observó que el 80% de las dudas de una persona no se derivan de problemas intelectuales con el cristianismo, sino más bien de...
By Adam Tucker As I sit at my computer thinking about the incomprehensible evil of yet another mass shooting, this time in Uvalde, Texas, the floods of outrage, sadness, fear, and uncertainty grip...
A significant point of contention in regard to the book of Hebrews is whether a genuine believer can lose their salvation, or whether falling away from the faith merely evidences the fact that one...
Frank has been speaking at 15-20 college campuses per year since 2007. The reason he goes there is because the college campus is probably the most anti-Christian piece of real estate in the United...
Por Erik Manning Los escépticos dicen que los evangelios están plagados de contradicciones y que, por tanto, no son fuentes históricas fiables. Y estos mismos escépticos dicen que algunas de estas...
By Brian Huffling Many people don’t know how to study the Bible, or even where to begin. The Bible is a long collection of books that contains much about ancient history, difficult concepts, and is...
By Al Serrato Christians believe that God is an infinite being who has always existed. But what “evidence” can the theist put forth in support of this claim? This is a common challenge raised by the...
Por Levi Dade Hace unos meses, me senté con un íntimo amigo mío en una de las cabinas de la cafetería de nuestra universidad. Mi amigo, al que llamaré Tom, es ateo. Tom es un auténtico buscador de...
As the world continues to get darker, is there hope in a Godless society? What does it mean when a feminist liberal icon like Naomi Wolf starts talking about spiritual warfare and says "it's time...
By Luke Nix Introduction Have you ever wondered if atheism is compatible with science? Not many have. In today's culture it is commonly assumed that they are best of buddies. Many people even...
By Melissa Dougherty Energy. Universe. I AM. Manifesting. Meditation. Visualize. Source. These are just a few words that were familiar to me in the New Age/Thought. These have different meanings in...
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