Should we interpret the Bible literally? One of our recent shows has stirred up a hornet's nest with regard to that question! Just HOW do we interpret the Bible? Can something be true, but not...

Should we interpret the Bible literally? One of our recent shows has stirred up a hornet's nest with regard to that question! Just HOW do we interpret the Bible? Can something be true, but not...
By Brian Chilton Modern understanding of quantum mechanics suggests that an eternal Cosmic Observer may in fact exist. If true, this holds numerous positive ramifications for arguments concerning...
By John D. Ferrer In part one[i] we raised a question from one of our viewers in Nigeria at the contentious Islamic/Christian border there. He asked what should Christians do when the other guy is...
George Orwell once said, "In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." Those seem like prophetic words as we watched two major news events unfold this past week. The...
Your children may know WHAT they believe about the Christian faith but do they know WHY? What happens when they leave the safe comforts of home and someone challenges their beliefs--will they know...
Por Timothy Fox Bienvenidos a la segunda entrega de mi serie "Cosas que dicen los ateos"[i]. (Lea la parte 1 aquí.) Esta serie está dedicada a los malos argumentos y declaraciones que algunos ateos...
By John D. Ferrer You may have heard the phrase, “turnabout is fair play.” If your opponent on the soccer pitch, football field, or basketball court is illegally pushing, shoving, and elbowing you,...
By Bobby Conway Have you ever found yourself in a conversation with a skeptic only to be asked in gotcha fashion, “Well, who made God?” Asking the question, “Who made God?” is like asking, “How did...
Just when you thought there was nothing new to be said about the Book of Genesis, Dr. John Walton shows up! Dr. Walton is an Old Testament scholar and Professor at Wheaton College and has written...
Who or what are we worshiping? Are we bowing to the one true God, or to the god of the self? We've all witnessed the Western world change quite dramatically, especially during the past few years. It...
Por Brian Chilton Algunos versículos de la Biblia se han popularizado tanto que a menudo se sacan de su contexto. Al hacerlo, el pasaje bíblico pierde el impacto que tiene. Peor aún, el texto puede...
Por JD Kline Pregunta: Tengo curiosidad por saber si los cristianos deberían estudiar filosofía. Respuesta: Es posible que en algún momento haya oído decir: "Los cristianos no deben estudiar...
By Shanda Fulbright It never fails. When churched kids hit a certain age, I get panicked messages from parents. They usually start with, “We’re a Christian family, but my son doesn’t want to go to...
C.S. Lewis famously said, "Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important." And someone who can quote C.S....
By Erik Manning On the evening of April 2, 1968, a Muslim bus mechanic was working across the street from St. Mary’s Coptic Church in Zeitoun, a district of Cairo, Egypt. Suddenly, something on the...
Is it ever OK for a Christian to lie or cheat? What if you know your opponent is being dishonest? What examples can we find in Scripture that demonstrate our ethical duties based on God's will? To...
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson once declared, “The universe is a deadly place. At every opportunity, it is trying to kill us.” Tyson is not alone in his dark, doomsday perspective. Many have...
By Judge Phil Ginn ‘I would much rather trust the true Christ than a blatantly false figment of someone’s misguided imagination’ CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Parishioners at Trinity College chapel, a...
By Melissa Dougherty Since the 1960s, there’s been a measurable dramatic decline in moral ethics here in the United States. Some would argue that it’s been in a general decline since the dawn of...
Does Christianity hold the most satisfying answers to life's BIGGEST questions? Questions like... What is the MEANING OF LIFE? What is TRUE HAPPINESS? What is BEAUTY? What is LOVE? WHO AM I? That's...
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