There’s no shortage of accusations claiming the Bible depicts a vision of two Gods: the grumpy, moody, and often volatile, curmudgeon like God of the Old Testament, and the mushy, judge free,...

There’s no shortage of accusations claiming the Bible depicts a vision of two Gods: the grumpy, moody, and often volatile, curmudgeon like God of the Old Testament, and the mushy, judge free,...
What's behind the current 'unraveling of America'? And how should we respond? We're living in unprecedented times when Christians can either choose to stoop to the pressures of cultural demands or...
Does God want everybody to be well? By the power of your faith can you abolish all sickness from your life and your loved ones'? In this midweek podcast episode, Jorge and John take a close look at...
Lord knows we have enough true guilt going around that we hardly need to concern ourselves with this extra layer of toxic false guilt, which is seemingly all too ready to accuse us. But how can we...
There certainly has been something nefarious going on with the making of the movie 'Nefarious'. Sicknesses, accidents, technical difficulties, and much more disrupted the production of the new film...
Por Josh Klein Los Cuatro Jinetes del ateísmo irrumpieron en la escena cultural, filosófica y espiritual a principios del siglo XXI. Sus posiciones dogmáticas ateas (o incluso antiteístas, según con...
What worldview can best explain the major aspects of reality? And why do they even exist in the first place? What's the purpose and meaning behind it all? Grab your notebook and join Frank on this...
It seems that every few years, Christians must deal with a new cultural narrative about who Jesus is and what He came to do. Contextualizing turns into syncretism. Jesus’s name is mixed in with the...
Have you ever wondered why reality is the way that it is? And what worldview can best explain it? Some of the greatest thinkers in modern and ancient history have pondered the order and beauty of...
Is there evidence for the Exodus plagues that comes from Egypt? Shockingly, there is — at least there seems to be. In this midweek podcast episode, Frank examines the amazing parallels between the...
Millennials tend to think and feel differently than previous generations. Their behaviors, buying habits, and brand loyalty (or lack of it) are far less predictable than those of their parents, and...
The overturning of Roe V. Wade in the summer of 2022 shocked advocates of both the Pro-Life and the Pro-Abortion movements. But how has the reversal impacted the fight for life? In this week’s...
Por Melissa Dougherty Desde la década de 1960, ha habido un dramático declive en la ética moral aquí en los Estados Unidos. Algunos argumentarían que ha estado en descenso constante desde los...
Why does God take some believers "before their time" and put us through so much pain and suffering during our time on earth? Shouldn't He reward us for good behavior? In this midweek podcast...
Language is complex. Language provides the building blocks for communication in society. What certain words or phrases mean within a given context helps to shape the understanding of the culture at...
In today's world, popularity trumps truth. Many Christians are hiding under their desks and many pastors are hiding behind the lectern in fear of being cancelled. They're not interested in actually...
Por Bobby Conway Alguna vez has platicado con un escéptico y éste saca la pregunta trampa que no pasa de moda: “¿Y bien, quién hizo a Dios?” Preguntar “¿Quién hizo a Dios?” es como preguntar “¿Qué...
Any discussion of the evidence for the resurrection must first ascertain what the original apostolic witnesses claimed and whether those claims are best explained by the resurrection, or by some...
God knows all things, but does His foreknowledge impact our free will? Often a hot button topic amongst Christians, Calvinism focuses heavily on God’s sovereignty, predestination, and election. But...
By Bobby Conway Following Easter Sunday, it didn't take long for skeptics to fabricate fictitious claims to debunk Christ’s resurrection. It’s easy to understand why. These critics knew that if they...
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