By Wintery Knight I had to blog about this story about a tough girl at UC Berkeley who is taking a lot of heat for her Christian beliefs. It would have been easier for her to keep them private. But...

By Wintery Knight I had to blog about this story about a tough girl at UC Berkeley who is taking a lot of heat for her Christian beliefs. It would have been easier for her to keep them private. But...
By Mikel Del Rosario Faith in the Spotlight Can you thrive in your career while staying true to your beliefs? As Christians, we are vocational ambassadors representing Jesus in all that we do. But...
By Terrell Clemmons It's Time to Remit Darwinian Storytelling to the Annals of History. Stephen Meyer was a young geophysicist working in the oil industry in Dallas, Texas, in 1985 when he saw that...
By Brian Chilton Turn on the Discovery Channel or the Science Channel, and you may find interesting theories pertaining to how the universe came to be. Some propose that an eternal multiverse gave...
By Evan Minton This is a question that many, many atheists have asked Christians whenever Christians try to argue for God as Creator and Designer of the universe (by using, for example, The Kalam...
By Natasha Crain “The light of common sense, thrown on the stories of making snakes out of rods, of the Red Sea dividing itself, of Christ’s making wine from water, curing blind men by rubbing spit...
By Richard Eng Growing up, my Dad taught me apologetics. He was really excited about it, and good at it too. As someone who studied under Norman Geisler at Southern Evangelical Seminary, my Dad got...
By J. Brian Huffling Many issues that surround Christian apologetics are philosophical in nature. Thus, if we are going to be good apologists we need to be good philosophers. Evangelical apologists...
By Ryan Leasure “Consult the Bible, and you will discover that the creator of the universe clearly expects us to keep slaves.” 1 This provocative statement by atheist Sam Harris is meant to cast...
By Luke Nix Introduction In my late teens and early 20s, I was wrestling with many questions about what I believed. I had several challenges to my Christian faith that ranged from the philosophical...
By Brian Chilton Recently, news agencies filled the airwaves and the internet with the news of Stephen Hawking’s last book to be published and released posthumously. The book released on October 16,...
By Evan Minton When atheists accuse God of being immoral, they usually point to nasty Old Testament accounts like the conquest of Canaan, God sicking two female bears on a group of youths for...
By Natasha Crain My friend, Alisa Childers, recently wrote a review of the bestselling book, Girl, Wash Your Face, by Rachel Hollis. It started a firestorm of online discussion about what makes...
By Tim Stratton Complaint: Dear Tim, I love you man, but I don’t want my politics and my religion mixed. I look up to you for religious context and commentary because you are an expert in the field....
By Mikel Del Rosario Evidence That Demands a Verdict Growing up, I had a lot of questions about the faith. So I went looking for answers. One of the first apologetics books I discovered on my dad’s...
By Terrell Clemmons A Review of Heretic: One Scientist's Journey from Darwin to Design, by Matti Leisola & Jonathan As a student beginning his scientific studies in 1966, Finnish biochemist...
By Luke Nix Introduction How can you helplessly watch as a child dies from agonizing cancer? Doesn't the love you feel tell you that that suffering is evil and a God who is all loving and all...
By Brian Chilton In a recent class at Liberty University, it was noted how 80% of a person’s doubts do not stem from intellectual problems with Christianity, but rather from emotional doubt....
By Evan Minton Some well-meaning but very misinformed Christians discourage the study of philosophy on the basis of a verse in Colossians chapter 2. In Colossians 2:8, the apostle Paul wrote: "See...
By Natasha Crain A few days ago I felt a rather large, firm lump on my body. My first reaction was, “What on Earth is that?”… followed closely by, “Oh my gosh. This could be it.” Honestly, I started...
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