By Ryan Leasure Who was Jesus? Can you think of a more important question? After all, it’s hardly controversial to suggest that he’s the most significant figure in history. And, I dare say, it’s not...

By Ryan Leasure Who was Jesus? Can you think of a more important question? After all, it’s hardly controversial to suggest that he’s the most significant figure in history. And, I dare say, it’s not...
By Wintery Knight Here is the video of the debate: TOPIC: DOES GOD EXIST? MY NOTES ON THE DEBATE: (WC = William Lane Craig, CH = Christopher Hitchens) WC opening speech: Introduction: WC makes two...
By Robby Hall Recently here in my state, a man was acquitted of manslaughter in the death of his girlfriend. In response to the loss, the District Attorney who prosecuted the case stated: “...Of...
By Terrell Clemmons How Soviet Disinformation Infected the West & What the West Can Do About It On Tuesday, July 25, 1978, Romanian-born Ion Mihai Pacepa ('e-YOHN MEE-hai pa-CHEP-a') crossed the...
By Luke Nix Introduction In recent months a major political and moral shift has been underway across America. The legality and morality of both infanticide and murder are actually being debated. But...
By Brian Chilton While I am intentionally not one of the political voices of the day, I do find that many times politics crosses over into theology and vice versa. One of the more troubling news I...
By Natasha Crain I was tempted to not write anything at all about the same-sex marriage ruling. So much has been written on this in the last week that I don’t see how one more person’s take could...
By Tim Stratton We expect people in positions of authority to have training and experience in their respective fields. For example, I want my pilot to have knowledge of the helicopter in which I am...
By Jeremy Linn We received a great question on our Instagram page this week: "How do we know that the extra-biblical sources which mention Jesus are trustworthy? Josephus, Tacitus, and the rest...
By J. Brian Huffling “Historians are biased and choose what they report. As such, history can’t be known.” That’s a typical objection to the ability to know history. If such objections prove that we...
By Wintery Knight Have you ever heard Gary Habermas, Michael Licona or William Lane Craig defend the resurrection of Jesus in a debate by saying that the resurrection is the best explanation for the...
By Luke Nix The Creator Revealed In 2018 University of Oklahoma particle physicist Dr. Michael G. Strauss released his latest book. In this short non-technical volume, he introduces the reader to...
By Brian Chilton Life is often about finding the right balance. Too much of anything is bad for a person, even water. Consuming too much water will cause one to lose electrolytes and minerals which...
By Colin Burgess “Philosophy is everybody’s business.” – J. Mortimer Adler. Aristotle opened his opus on philosophy, The Metaphysics, with, “All men by nature desire to know.” Nothing could be...
By Natasha Crain Last year, for various reasons, our family had the opportunity to attend a few different churches. Each time, we debriefed on what happened in Sunday school and what the kids...
By Jacobus Erasmus In 2016, Jeffery Jay Lowder[1] debated Frank Turek on the topic Naturalism vs theism. See here: In early 2017, I wrote two articles in which I assess Lowder’s opening statement...
By Mikel Del Rosario Understanding Acceptance, Approval, and Convicted Civility When I speak at student events, Christian kids ask me, “How should I relate to my gay friends?” Many believers...
By Luke Nix Introduction Several years ago, cold-case homicide detective J. Warner Wallace wrote the book "God's Crime Scene" where he details his investigation, as an atheist, into the evidence for...
By Evan Minton You've just been introduced to Christian Apologetics and have discovered that there are many good arguments and evidence that demonstrate that Christianity is true. However, you're...
By Jeremy Linn How could something that feels so right be called immoral? That is basically the question Imagine Dragons singer Dan Reynolds proposed on a recent interview on the Ellen Show. In the...
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