By Bob Perry I’ve made the case that truth, goodness, and beauty are objective features of the world we live in. Hopefully, you’ve found that to be interesting. But please don’t think this is just...
Does The “Legacy of Slavery” Explain Black Women’s 72% Out-Of-Wedlock Birth Rate?
By Wintery Knight I don’t like Calvinist theologian James White at all, but at least he’s willing to defend the moral teachings of the Bible against the woke identity politics that is taking over...
The Problem of Evil
By Al Serrato One of the most common challenges to the Christian worldview is the problem of evil. We see evil all around us; we need to do little more than pick up a newspaper or watch the nightly...
The Christmas Story – Beyond Apologetics
By Mikel Del Rosario Experiencing the Christmas Story Every December, I see a couple of approaches to Jesus’ birth on Christian blogs: Articles that approach the Christmas story from the perspective...
Why Do Christians Tend to Align With “Conservative” Economics?
By Luke Nix Introduction A while back, I saw an intriguing question on social media from a person who is in the middle of a worldview transition. This person is concerned about why so many...
The Genuine Saint Nicholas
By Brian Chilton It may surprise you to discover that there really is a Santa Claus! The Santa Claus figure was taken from a genuine person of history. His name was Saint Nicholas of Myra. Earlier...
Was the Deity of Christ A Legendary Development?
By Ryan Leasure Skeptics of all stripes vehemently deny the deity of Christ. Besides their a priori commitment to philosophical naturalism, a major argument they put forth is that the earliest...
Was Jesus Married?
By Mikel Del Rosario Every Christmas and Easter, I tend to get into conversations about Jesus with people who see Christianity differently. But I’ve also found that even Christians can ask questions...
20 Things Christians Can Create to Share Truth With Others
By Jeremy Linn The Apologetics world is filled with truth-infused books and lectures, many of which have made a lasting impact on people. But in a culture that's dominated by entertainment platforms...
Bethlehem To Bedlam
By Bob Perry If Christmas is supposed to be about "Peace on Earth," why all the chaos and stress at this time of year? It started when we, through an ironic accident of language, warped Bethlehem...
A Neglected Proof for the Resurrection – The Sign of Jonah
By Erik Manning When arguing for the resurrection of Jesus, Christian apologists often make a historical case for the empty tomb and the appearances of Jesus that occurred after his death. I’d...
45 Quotes About Relativism vs. Truth
By Luke Nix "When it comes to truth, the outcome affects not only individuals but nations and even civilizations. What starts looking like a small abstract issue ends with titanic, public...
What a Non-Christian Taught Me about the Gospel
By Dr. Dave Oldham A number of years ago, a young woman came to our church for counseling and talked to me. She poured out her story of disappointment with her husband’s unfaithfulness, his...
Did Paul really change his tactics after Athens and begin to take a dim view of apologetics?
By Erik Manning Some Christians have argued that apologetics is a waste of time. We aren’t supposed to be arguing with unbelievers; we’re just called to preach the simple gospel. If we’re faithful...
Reactions to John Crist’s Moral Failings Demonstrate Our Culture’s Confusion about Christianity
By Natasha Crain News broke yesterday that popular Christian comedian and YouTuber John Crist has come forth with an admission of ongoing “sexual sin and addiction struggles” after multiple women...
Was Apollonius of Tyana a Jesus Parallel?
By Ryan Leasure Bart Ehrman is the most popular skeptic in America today. Writing at super-sonic rates, his books seem to find their way on the New York Times Bestseller list about every other year....
LGBT activist calls for “hardball” “fight” to empty the church pews of Christians
By Wintery Knight Previously, I blogged about how transgender activists shut down a discussion of transgender issues on a university campus in Canada. You might think that suppressing debate and...
A Review of Nancy Pearcey’s Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning
By Terrell Clemmons Nancy Pearcey knows the captivating power of secular ideas because she used to hold them herself. As a teenager, she rejected the religion of her childhood and embraced a host of...
The Works of Jesus in the Nicene Creed
By Mikel Del Rosario Jesus: The Essential Works What are the essential truths Christians believing about the things Jesus did? As defenders of the faith, we need to know which beliefs about Jesus’...
Book Review: Time for Truth: Living Free in A World of Lies, Hype, and Spin
By Luke Nix Introduction "Time for Truth: Living Free In A World of Lies, Hype, and Spin" by Os Guinness has been on my reading list for several years now. It is a relatively short book, so I popped...