By Erik Manning Bart Ehrman says that the author of Luke can’t seem to get the story of the Ascension of Jesus right. In his Gospel, Luke says that Jesus ascended into heaven the day of his...
Hard Evidence the Book of Acts Was Written by an Eyewitness? A Reply to Bart Ehrman
By Jonathan Mclatchie Last week, New Testament scholar Dr. Bart Ehrman published an article at his blog, in which he responded to a reader who had asked him his opinion on a popular approach to...
The Slaughter of the Bethlehem Boys
By Ryan Leasure Moral atrocities litter the historical landscape. And this ought to make us sad. People do bad things. And they’ve been doing bad things ever since Genesis 3. It doesn’t take long...
Was Luke Wrong about the Census?
By Ryan Leasure One of the more challenging texts in the Gospels is Luke’s reference to the census. We read in Luke 2:1-5: In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world...
Is Bart Ehrman Right When He Says That Acts Contradicts Paul’s Letters?
By Erik Manning Agnostic New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman says, “the book of Acts in the New Testament contains historically unreliable information about the life and teachings of Paul.” In his...
The Word Of Truth
By Jason Jimenez The Bible has been bashed, terrorized, and burned more than any other book of antiquity! It has faced enormous challenges of its literal expression as well as the debates over its...
Did Israelites ever live in Egypt?
By Mikel Del Rosario Engaging Skeptical Challenges to the Exodus When I was growing up, a lot of people I knew believed the Biblical narrative of the Exodus was at least based on a true story. Even...
13 Good Historical Reasons For The Early Dating Of The Gospels
By Erik Manning Skeptics like Bart Ehrman will use Apollonius of Tyana as a challenge to Jesus’ uniqueness. Apollonius lived in the first century. His birth was supernatural. He also performed...
The Death of Judas: A Hopeless Bible Contradiction?
By Erik Manning Skeptics accuse Christians of not paying attention while they’re reading their Bible. If they didn’t rush through their daily devotional, they’d catch some obvious contradictions....
Was Apollonius of Tyana a Jesus Parallel?
By Ryan Leasure Bart Ehrman is the most popular skeptic in America today. Writing at super-sonic rates, his books seem to find their way on the New York Times Bestseller list about every other year....
The Gospel Authors Knew Palestinian Geography
By Ryan Leasure We’re told by skeptics that eye-witnesses didn’t write the Gospels. Not only that, they say the authors wrote from distant lands like Rome, Egypt, Asia Minor, or Greece. They merely...
Forgery in the Bible: Were 1 and 2 Timothy really forged? Part II
By Erik Manning In his letter to the Romans, we learn that Paul was accused of lying in order to bring more glory to God. Some slanderously claimed that Paul would say, "let us do evil that good may...
Forgery in the Bible: Were 1 and 2 Timothy really forged?
By Erik Manning 2 Timothy 3:16 says that all Scripture is “God-breathed.” Of course for Christians, this would include 2 Timothy, as well as the rest of the pastoral epistles. Skeptics find this...
12 Reasons to Trust The New Testament
By Bob Perry If you claim to believe the Bible, you better be able to trust that what it says is true. Trusting the Bible means knowing two things. First, that the original authors recorded...
Are the Gospels “hopelessly contradictory”?
By Erik Manning Critics of Christianity love to compile long lists of alleged contradictions in the gospels to shake the faith of unsuspecting church-goers. One of the more famous of these critics...
John the Baptist in Josephus
By Ryan Leasure Several reasons exist for why we should trust the Gospels. Their eye-witness testimony, familiarity with the Palestinian world, embarrassing nature, early dating, and undesigned...
Book Review: The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ
By Luke Nix Introduction In my late teens and early 20s, I was wrestling with many questions about what I believed. I had several challenges to my Christian faith that ranged from the philosophical...
Did the Apostles Really Die as Martyrs?
By Mikel Del Rosario Evidence That Demands a Verdict Growing up, I had a lot of questions about the faith. So I went looking for answers. One of the first apologetics books I discovered on my dad’s...
Did We Really Not Have A New Testament Canon Till The Fourth Century?
By Ryan Leasure Is it true the New Testament documents weren’t Scripture until the fourth century? That is, the books weren’t authoritative until church councils conferred authority upon them?...
Are Nature and Scripture Compatible?
By Luke Nix The debate about the proper interaction of science and theology is raging as much as it has ever been. Hot tempers fly that result in ice-cold relationships. For as much discussion and...