By Melissa Dougherty You know something I never see? I never see the average person say that Buddha was made up from stories of ancient pagan gods. Or that Gandhi was actually a Jewish mystic who was misunderstood. Or that Mohammad was an atheist. There’s usually only...
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Is Scientology Compatible with Christianity?
By Bobby Conway I’m often surprised to hear some of the beliefs that Christians contend are compatible with Christianity. One such belief is Scientology. As Christians we are expected to remain discerning about the various beliefs that come our way. That’s why it’s...
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What Does it Mean That “God Won’t Let You Down?”
We often hear in popular Christian songs and from pulpits that “God is never gonna let me down!” or “God hasn’t failed me yet!” Besides the tragedy of grammar (I mean, how does God not fail you yet?), what does that mean? What does the Bible actually say about this?...
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Cinco señales de la madurez espiritual
Por Melissa Dougherty Todos queremos ser sabios en nuestro andar espiritual. Deseamos progresar y tomar buenas decisiones que resulten benéficas a largo plazo. Anhelamos vivir sabiamente en todas las áreas de nuestra vida y ser ejemplo para los demás. Pero lo que he...
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Scientism And Secularism
By Luke Nix All scientific research, discussion, and education is affected by a series of underlying beliefs that include what one grants as sources of knowledge. It is quite common in today’s culture for people to accept “scientism,” which limits...
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